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Nubian Island or Sultan garden? Help with the choice
It seems that according to the reviews I liked the Nubian more, but - Nabq! I'm afraid that it will blow away with the wind! Shouldn't it be so windy in the Sultan? Will it be possible to swim in the sea in these hotels? Is the temperature comfortable? sea! We go in early February
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8 subscribers  • asked 2011-01-2814 years ago
Answers  •  14
аватар eniska
Between Nabq and not Nabq, I would choose the second, especially in February. My friends were in the Sultan, they liked everything very much. In addition to the pontoon, there are also paths laid along the bottom of the sea to the depths.
аватар sea_and_beach
so is the difference significant? I just read and write everywhere in charm in February it's windy...
аватар alex45
The Red Sea is, of course, vaunted! And so as not to take away
at sea, take a couple of supplies for scuba divers.
аватар eniska
It is windy, but with different strengths, and in some bays there is no wind at all, even in February. But Nabq is not a bay, it is an open sea with currents, waves 2 meters high and a waving black flag that prohibits swimming in the sea. After lunch, everything calms down, but after 15-00 in Nabka it is SO COOL THAT IT DOES NOT LOOK FOR A SWIMMING ALREADY.
аватар nadin65
In winter, Nabq is not worth choosing, you may think that you never swim in the sea.
In Sharm there are beaches of hotels in the bays, there is no wind and storm there, you can swim all year round.
аватар vasya1111
Don't scare Nabq so much.. I'm no swimmer. but in Nabq I saw SUCH reefs !!! And, thank God, it didn’t take away =)))))
аватар tgbyhn
We were in Nubian Village. If you take it THIS hotel. Do not overpay for 5 *, i.e. Nubian Iceland. The Village is better. We have tried it on ourselves. We were settled at 5, then transferred to 4. All the pluses at 4. And as for the wind, at that time I would choose the bay. True, there are winds in Nabq. But how lucky. We didn't swim much that year. In this almost all 12 days of calm. But in January, I think there will be winds.
аватар tgbyhn
Oh yes. And the current in Nabq is strong. Natasha 1708 writes - DID NOT TAKE IT AWAY, I don't know. We descended from the pontoon, and we were immediately carried downstream to the left, we had to relax and swim to the neighboring pontoon. It's very hard to get back. It was also not clear to me what people write about the flow. Because in 2009, I swam a couple of times, I didn’t really feel it. And in this, in full. Were in November. This is again minus the Nubians.
аватар alexfabr19
If the price difference is not critical, then of course the Sultan. True, do not forget that the Sultan is Sharks Bay, i.e. shark bay :)
аватар tgbyhn
Sharks Bay? this is just the place where people were bitten. I DEFINITELY wouldn't go there. And in general, I would not consider Charm, now. Maybe even Egypt. But nothing can stop the Russians. So let it be good!
аватар alexfabr19
Guys, I'm joking! I returned from Egypt a week ago. What are sharks? The main thing is to take warm clothes, otherwise it froze a little in the evening ...
аватар vasya1111
It's time, in my opinion, to refuse trips to Egi (at least for now, until the autumn elections of their ruler) ... Watch the news, the Egyptian Arabs are buzzing worse than Tunisia. And if the airspace is closed?!!!Where is it taking you?..
аватар sea_and_beach
Thanks everyone for the replies, the question has been dropped indefinitely!
аватар Zlata28
--- thanks to everyone for the answers, the question has disappeared for an indefinite period!---
everything that is done - everything is for the best
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