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Related question «Hotel selection»
Tell me Notel !!! for mid-November !!!!
Help plz!!! choose a good hotel (preferably with good furniture), with a playground, so that there are fewer winds, etc. The child is almost three years old. I want a comfortable atmosphere and unforgettable impressions!!!
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5 subscribers  • asked 2010-10-2414 years ago
Answers  •  12
аватар papa74
Good furniture can be found in furniture stores, but they are unlikely to be bought in a hotel. And if they do, it will be a deluxe class and there will NOT be a playground. These conditions exclude each other.
But in terms of comfort and unforgettable impressions, the Royal Savoy is suitable.
аватар tata57
Dad, you are on top as always. In general, the right advice, but ... We rested at the Savoy hotel, but we saw the Royal Savoy up close. Really u003d it's great, it's cool and we deserve it, but again, BUT! .We were 4 times in SHES (well, very few!) We rested in the hotels Savoy, Grand Rotana, Renaissance Garden ..., Intercontinental. Of the above, according to your wishes, Intercontinental is suitable. We rested there with our granddaughter for 2.4 years. .And there (in a nearby hotel of the same owner) there is a beautiful beach for a child. Look at this option. Good luck with your choice and a pleasant stay.
аватар papa74
Tata25, I was 2.5 years ago at Interconti, it was already renamed the Continental Garden Reef. The main drawback in the reviews was the shabby furniture (even then) ... until now the furniture has not been changed ...
"Room with marble and good carpentry, although a little shabby" - August 2008
аватар amirame
Ochen blagodaryu za pomoshch, mne muj predlagaet Grand Rotana, no ya chitala chto tam est ponton (i esli Ya pravilno ponyala) to v more mi okazhemsya srazu na glubine 3-4 meters. A na schet mebeli ya tut na forume nachitalas chto i ehat teper boyus. Ya ochen priveredlivaya na schet komforta v dome, poetomu esli kak pishut "mebel ushatannaya" KAK otdih mojet bit normalnim.. Ya j ne budu spat na peske...MMMMMMM.
аватар tata57
Dad, I accept the remark about the name of the hotel, it is essentially. I just forgot ;( But I am tata57, not 25.
аватар papa74
tata57, beguiled, I'm sorry ...
amirame, if you are picky, why go to Egypt?
You can try from 4 seasons, nowhere is cooler ...
There are definitely beds and you won’t sleep on the sand;)
But there is also a pontoon and depth. This is almost all over Sharm. If you want sand, you need to go to Hurghada.
аватар amirame
da..tak what je delat??? hochu v sharm i hochu peska ,plz podumaite eshche razok . Mojet est novaya ideaka!?
аватар koroshchenko
Check out Tiran Sharm. It opened last year. The furniture, as for Egypt, is new and quite good compared to other hotels. The beach is very long and most of it is a gentle sandy entrance to the sea. There is a section of the beach with corals. But this hotel is at the very end of Nabq bay, the latter. It's a bit far to drive to the center and, most importantly, it's windy there in winter. I don’t know how comfortable it will be for you, but I swam.
P.S. I would like to see you more.
аватар amirame
:)) thnx a lot !!! Ya tut posmotrela kto -nibud znaet chto -to o SOL Sharm Hotel 4?????? plz wait for reply!
аватар koroshchenko
You write that you are picky. You, accordingly, recommend the Royal Savoy. And then SOL Sharm Hotel 4. That's exactly "exclusive" furniture. What is your budget?
аватар papa74
....and more Four Seasons!
(furniture is normal - rest should add up)
аватар amirame
thnx vsem!!! ya voobshche to ishozhu iz stranic interneta i forumov ,ludi pishut chto Sol Sharm ochen daje positive + eshche to chto tam normalniy pesok i vihod s berega a ne s pontona .. Budjet 2000 $.. I vy sami byli Koroshchenko v Sol..? ?? ya jdu answer !
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