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Tell me, please, Labrand or Montazah? Priority is proximity to the sea and reef
Tell me, please, Labrand or Montazah? Priority is proximity to the sea and reef
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10 subscribers  • asked 2021-08-104 years ago
Answers  •  20
аватар taran_natala
The reef is of course Montazah, one of the most beautiful bays in Sharm.
аватар Fancase
Labranda is located on Line 1 at Tower Bay. Beach on both sides of the cape. On the one hand, the reef is half dead, on the other side, which is towards Dreams Beach, it is better. The hotel itself is lonely, there is nothing interesting nearby.
аватар vezha2
I would choose Montaza
аватар Tana999
Montazah is better than Labranda. Proximity to the sea - depending on which building they will settle in and you will not know it before arrival :-) But if Albatros (near Montazah) is not very different in price, then Albatros is better, it is much better as a hotel. And the reefs are all the same
аватар ser_____Witness77
Labranda is the former Sea Club?
аватар Fancase
Well, something like this: Tower Bay Resort - ex.Labranda Tower Bay - ex.Sharm Club
аватар bondarkrivoruchk
Last year we were in Labrand. Reef sucks. And in general - I did not like it. The year before last we were in Sirena. This is now the Albatross. Ras Nasrani area: Baron, Montaza, Sensatori... The reef is something incredible. Every day different fish flocks and shoals went. Just ecstasy. I vote for Montaza. We are going there)))
аватар Shev37
montazah on the reef is better, but the hotel itself is worse than labrand. There is noise from condos everywhere. From montazakh you can swim to the reef of the baron, it is very beautiful there
аватар Shev37
buy immediately Baron or Sensatoria and you will be happy, love yourself loved ones
аватар Tana999
Well I do not know. Paying for Baron is 3 times more than Montazah for the same reefs. He's not that chic.
аватар ser_____Witness77
take a hotel on the 3rd line for 3 kopecks and take yourself 5 days of excursions with a snorkel on a yacht - you will not regret it (in terms of different reefs - they carry along the entire coastline of Sharma + Tiran and Ras Mo;)
аватар tesha1
I like to swim before breakfast and then, if possible. That's why I want 1 line)
аватар Tana999
I went to the Baron and Sensatori pontoon at 5:30-6 in the morning. and snorkeled from there. At this time, all pontoons are closed - Albatross, Montaza, Baron, Sensatori, BUT there are no guards near the pontoons of Montaza, Baron, Sensatori. I calmly passed through the ropes at 5.30 or 6:00 and swam as I wanted. From Albatross to Sensatori, walk slowly along the coast for 30 minutes. It will be 25 minutes from Montaza. From the pontoon, Albatross swam as she wanted and where she wanted - against the current to Sensatori and back, to Melton and back.
From Montaza to Sensatori swim from 30 minutes to an hour (this is against the current) slowly. Back 30-40 minutes very slowly, admiring.
To Melton swim 30-50 minutes. There is a section with a very strong illogical current. Back, against the current for about forty minutes.
аватар Shev37
Tana999, last year, the albatross rescuers did not allow their clients to swim over the fences, but they did not touch those who passed by. I confirm at 6 am there is no security on the Baron's pontoon. In 2015, a lifeguard on the Baron pontoon wrapped everyone who wanted to swim on the Baron reef during the day, it was like that. The people of Montaza complained. Last year I swam from Baron to Melton slowly for 1.5-2 hours enjoying the beauties, I don’t like to rush. And to the right, beyond the territory of the Sensatorium, closer to the lighthouse, a turtle often sails for breakfast early in the morning in the summer, but the reef is rather weak there.
аватар Shev37
Ras Nasrani is perhaps the best place for snorkeling in Sharm today, but perhaps Garden reef, Pasha bay. Sea excursions are not needed if there is a house reef, it's all justified for diving
аватар taran_natala
Shev37, I fully support your Sharma reef rating! Of the milestone reefs at the hotels in Sharm, where I snorkeled, I liked these three.
аватар Tana999
Shev37 - last year the albatross rescuers kept their clients from swimming behind the fences - I was actually there last September. Swim where you want
аватар Shev37
I was in Baron in August, swimming to Melton and people from Albatross complained that they didn’t let them swim behind the buoys, and they tried to catch my wife in the water, but when they realized that she was not from Albatross, they fell behind
Labranda - quiet, calm. The reef is average, there are many surgeons on the sunken pontoon. Low tides - the tides are almost invisible, the currents are also not strong. And Montazakh is definitely a hotel for seasoned hardened tourists. Reef OK, but strong currents
аватар Tana999
Don't be scared. There is a normal flow. Here near Melton there is an illogical strong current. I swam in place for 10 minutes, then turned back. But it's not every day that it swirls like this. Out of 3 swims, 2 times.
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