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Is it worth flying to Sharm in July? Wouldn't it be too hot?
Is it worth flying to Sharm in July? Wouldn't it be too hot?
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17 subscribers  • asked 2021-06-114 years ago
Answers  •  31
аватар ollennka
If there is a choice of vacation dates, of course, it is better to come in May or November. If not, well, shtosh, at least there will be some kind of vacation.
аватар Pachok
Oh, they will tell you now that 50 degrees is the most comfortable temperature for relaxation, many do not even turn on the air conditioner, and finally there is an opportunity to swim in warm 35-degree water. And in general, "if only not to Turkey" because there is "humidity".
Look at the weather site not only for air temperature, but also for solar activity, and think carefully about whether Chernobyl's neighbors still need to add oncological risks to themselves.
аватар Vika284
I recently answered a similar question
According to personal experience, I was in Sharm in July and August, if we compare the humidity of Side and Alanya in Turkey - in Sharm the humidity is much lower, dry heat. In Side and Alanya, in non-green areas, the sun also happens to be +45 and more - this is tough, but there are no fewer people in July and August - full hotels
I stayed in Delta Sharm in the summer, where apartments and houses are booked for the whole summer in most 60% of tourists from Ukraine and Russia, who vacation with children all summer. The beaches of the resorts of Egypt are not empty in the summer, a lot of hotel guests generally love this period.
It is more comfortable to rest during this period where there is a breeze, natural air conditioning is Nabq and Ras Nasrani in Sharm, this is ideal for summer this is Marsa Alam
In the heat and the sun, of course, one must adhere to the rules for staying in the sun, both in Turkey and in Egypt and other sunny resorts, because even Fethiye, Bodrum and Cesme, comfortable in Turkey, are taken to hospitals with sunstroke.
аватар vezha2
Definitely - it will be hot, even with low humidity, the heat will be felt. Choose a hotel in Nabq - there is a wind there, it will be at least a little refreshing. But you need to go out in the sun very carefully - you can burn out in a matter of minutes.
аватар ollennka
Why exactly do you compare Turkey with Egypt? Now enough countries have opened up to choose an acceptable climate, if there is no way to choose vacation dates. I would choose Montenegro for July, for example, where the water will at least be cooler. But also without fanaticism exposure to the sun.
аватар el2011
And I advise you to fly in July. Was in Sharm in 2020 end of July - beginning of August. I was also worried about flying / not before the trip. But she took a risk. Only you do not watch the weather on the Forecaster;) He wrote 60 degrees in 20;) of course they were not. Yes, there is, but: I am a freezing cold, and the water temperature for me is comfortable from 28 degrees. I can’t say that we hung ourselves there from the heat. Upon arrival - yes, we were shocked by the heat. But quickly got used to it. And indeed, at a temperature of 37-38 at night, the truth is already on the 9th day of stay - they actually slept in a room without air conditioning. Truth. Slept great. Although at home at 26 - at night I already turn on the condo. There are also nuances: if the territory of the hotel is large and open (little shade) - yes, probably until you get to the sea in the afternoon (you won’t get there, that’s right - you will get there) - it can become bad. And if there is a lot of shade on the territory and especially a pool along the way, you will reach without problems. Not fried.
аватар el2011
And yes, once in May I was in Hurghada. And we went on a trip to Luxor. So there, in Luxor - I really almost died from the heat. All around - hot sand ... and the sun ... a lot of sun ..... So there - I really felt bad. Went away for a day. I remember that trip fondly. And a trip of 20 years to Sharm - I want to repeat it with pleasure! On excursions (quad bikes / all sorts of boats / catamaran, etc. - they were, everything is ok) In short:) if only the temperature is constraining - I definitely recommend going. And, of course, see for yourself. Everything is individual :)
аватар Fancase
According to my last year's experience, July-August is hot, even very hot.
The first two days we inhaled the air and felt how it burns ...
And on the third day we get up and, as usual, the body has acclimatized.
аватар ollennka
Conclusion - if there is no retirement age, there are no health problems and there is no way to shift the vacation, then you can take a chance. And then decide for yourself whether you like this holiday or not.
аватар Andrey111
This question is raised constantly, exactly as if there will be a cool sea at such and such a time of the year. July is the height of summer, it is hot everywhere, and even more so in Egypt, which is located in Africa. It all depends on how you handle the heat. For one, 25 degrees is already very hot, for another 40 is normal.
аватар agent_borabora
Those who traveled in transport in the summer are not hot in Sharm even in August.
аватар Slav_na
compared to the January Tai, we liked the July-August Charm more
аватар ser_____Witness77
the main thing is to take long-sleeved T-shirts with you (including swimming in the sea), a panama hat (ears burn out) and not climb out from under the fungus - under it you get a wonderful tan;) ... well, you need to fight overweight from adolescence, age totally irrelevant...
аватар super.mila2905
Is it worth it? Fly and in place
you will feel everything. If you like it, fine. No - a negative experience is also an experience.
It will be hot for sure. But if there are no contraindications for health - fly and enjoy your vacation. And from the heat there is always where to hide: under the air conditioner and in the sea.
аватар Pachok
In the sea, the temperature of which is 32-33 degrees. Swimming and sweating.
аватар super.mila2905
Or maybe someone likes 32 degrees. It's on the surface of the water. And if you sail away and dive deeper, it will be cooler.
And in general, to listen to you like this in July-August, the hotels will be right all empty ...
And no one flies there on vacation during these months.
Because it's hot!!!
аватар katrusik2272
According to the experience of last year (we decided to experience the summer in Egypt), you can relax, but you need to adapt. After 10 in the morning, even in the shade, a dry hot sauna, after 11 it is already hard to breathe hot air. Therefore, we got up at 6 in the morning, went to the beach, did two big swims, at 9.30 for breakfast, then to sleep until lunch and by 15.30 again to the beach. After dinner, the water was really hot, we felt like the main ingredient in the ear. After 16.30 to 19 is comfortable, at 19 sunset. In the evening and at night it is above +30, walking and being active in the fresh air is also not very comfortable. But due to the low humidity, you quickly get used to the heat, but I would not go again in the summer, but this is my subjective opinion. If you don't try, you won't know the truth.
аватар super.mila2905
katrusik2272, and I have the same opinion.
If you don't try, you won't know the truth.
And it's in everything.
аватар zolotko.lud
We flew to Sharm many times in July, we never spoiled our vacation, we endured the heat easily. The underwater world is more beautiful than at other times of the year, sometimes they climbed out of the water to warm themselves. The only negative: in July there will be a lot of local vacationers in hotels ...
аватар katrusik2272
Yes, locals in the summer in hotels sometimes up to 80% of vacationers. We were just so "lucky" in the summer in Sahl Hasheesh...
аватар ser_____Witness77
today the water temperature in Sharm is 26, in July it will be 27-28 ... it will even be cool when you leave the sea and the breeze blows
аватар ser_____Witness77
well, and more living creatures swim to the shore - they also like to bask in shallow water;)
аватар Shev37
depending on what you plan to do in Sharm in the summer. If you are going for the underwater world of the Red Sea, then it is very good, but summer is definitely not for walking tours. For the summer, it is better to choose hotels in Ras Nasrani or Nabq, there is more often a breeze. For fans of snorkelers, Nabq is not very good. Swim in the sea in a T-shirt with a long sleeve, otherwise you will burn out. The water in the sea will be 26-27, with a standard swim at one o’clock you get out of the water and bask in the shade of an umbrella, you don’t need to sunbathe in the open air, well, except perhaps in the evening. a day in Sharm in the summer consists of three or four swims with food breaks. Heat is easily tolerated
аватар ser_____Witness77
again these myths about the breeze in Nabq) ... if there is a breeze, then it is everywhere - believe me;), for the breeze, loneliness and meager food, it’s better in Mars) ... and who has extra loot ;)
аватар super.mila2905
ser_____Witness77, but what about really meager food on Mars?
аватар Andrey111
Yes, good food. Ser_____Witness77 was in Marsa Alam once in one of the cheapest hotels and judges the entire resort by it. In good hotels - food is normal, in cheap ones - worse (as in hotels in Hurghada and Sharm). Yes, there are hotels that have fallen into the pandemic (Breika, for example), and there are those that keep the brand (Jazz, for example). Just when choosing a hotel, you need to monitor information, look at reviews and understand what you want from your vacation.
Looking for what. If for a seaside holiday, great. Been there a couple of times in August. It is better to choose hotels with a small territory, so as to walk less in hell. Iberotel for example . The last time we were in hell in Sentido, you can try to take the oasis reef with rooms closer to the sea, it was also good and the food is excellent and the views are simply beautiful
аватар ser_____Witness77
"In good hotels - the food is normal, in cheap ones - worse (as in the hotels of Hurghada and Sharm)" - in Sharm with good food you can take for 18-20 thousand. / week, in Mars probably 27-30 thousand km/h
аватар Andrey111
Why, prices are constantly jumping up and down. The aforementioned Jazz Grand could be taken for 23,000 for a week for two. You just need to monitor.
аватар ser_____Witness77
this is when in hotels similar to Sharm, prices will be about 16-17 thousand. ;) ?
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