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Maybe someone knows what is the mechanism for solving the problem if a family member falls ill with COVID-19 a week before departure?
Maybe someone knows what is the mechanism for solving the problem if a family member falls ill with COVID-19 a week before departure?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
14 subscribers  • asked 2021-03-144 years ago
Answers  •  22
аватар AllOverTheWorld
decide whether the remaining family is going or not (my advice is to go, because insurance is not a 100% money back)
and the sick family member recovers and prepares a package of documents for the insurance ha refund
аватар klichko
If Anex, everything becomes more complicated, he makes up for the losses himself and "according to his mood." The rest are under insurance. But don't count on the full amount.
аватар valminar
Thanks! The Join Up operator was informed that they are insured, but the details will be tomorrow.
аватар Pachok
Was the family member supposed to fly or not? If not, nothing shines. If yes, then read your anti-covid insurance. Do you have her?
аватар allaalla1
He will recover in a week and it’s not a fact that he is sick xs how these tests are done there. Take a test at the airport before departure. Usually on the 4th day already negative tests.
аватар moy_contakt
Let's see what it means to be sick? Option. I really fell ill, the state of health and there are signs of the disease (them-ra, etc.) - then get well, it’s not a fact that this is covid. If you did a test and it is positive, then in a week it is unlikely to become negative. My travel agent exposes such tours as abandoned and sells to other tourists. A week is a normal time for a tour. Or they change the sick person for another tourist. Option 2. They just did a test and it gave a positive result, but the state of health is normal and there are no symptoms (there are such types of work where such a test is done almost every week), just retake the test. Friends did this, in Borispol the test before the flight gave a negative result, and the test the day before in the DNA laboratory was positive .....
аватар katrusik2272
At Join Up last year, anti-covid insurance (against non-flights) in case of illness of one of the family members with coronavirus before departure covered the whole family. This year, check with the travel agent, if not, then only the sick person will be covered ... the rest will have to fly if they have a negative test.
аватар Andrey111
moy_contakt, Yes, risky guys are your friends. Do a test before the flight with a positive result. And if repeated would still be positive.
аватар moy_contakt
Andrey111 and there were no options. Well, you yourself understand that the test must be done just before the flight, and if it turned out to be positive, then there are not many options. Either the money of one tourist burns out (if there is no insurance against non-departure or another option), or everyone does not fly and then the entire tour burns out, or urgently look for someone, sell ... hardly anyone will buy, because time is critically short. They were my close friends (mother and daughter). They took a test in the DNA laboratory and got a positive result from my daughter, a negative result from my mother .... And we decided that if the test in Borispol turned out to be also positive, then the daughter naturally remains, but the mother still flies. already flew, rested, everything is ok. There were no symptoms of illness at all.
аватар Slav_na
listen, but the question is: if the test is "+", does the laboratory report somewhere? or "complete secrecy of contributions, that is, organizations" (c))))?
аватар Pachok
Nobody reports anywhere. With our positive tests, we were free to do whatever we wanted, even to cough in the subway, even to visit the dentist: ((Hope solely for the decency of the sick. They themselves reported to school, to work themselves, barricaded themselves at home too.
аватар Slav_na
sorry, couldn't resist
аватар antonua
Laboratories report that the result is taken into account in statistics. But then - hardly anything is done.
According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 28.03.2020 № 722 in case of a positive result on COVID-19 medical laboratory is obliged to immediately inform the provider of primary care (PHC), which serves the person, for further registration of the case and referral f. № 05 / о to the laboratory center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Form №058 / о contains personal data of the person, including place of work / study, address, age, etc., therefore all these data are obligatory for filling in the Questionnaire.
аватар Pachok
It's just not clear which nadavacha should be informed. It is not necessary to fill in this line in the questionnaire, this is for starters. And secondly, and most importantly, not everyone has an agreement with a medical facility, my husband and I do not. So where did the lab report? But we filled out all the data on work and school, I was especially interested after the illness - no one informed them, except ourselves.
аватар antonua
As far as I know, even if the health facility is not full, they still transfer data to the Ministry of Health on positive results and they are taken into account in the statistics.
аватар Pachok
Except for statistics.
аватар Iren48
In November, before the trip, my husband tested positive. I left and he stayed. Submitted documents for insurance payment. We are still waiting. They called the SC, they said that they sent requests to Join and to the laboratory where they took the tests, and those bad people do not answer them. They called there. Join, in the end, answered the UK, and the laboratory said that they did not respond to such requests, they say, this is confidential information. The husband went to their lawyer and, literally, tore out the necessary docks. There lies a stack of requests. People are waiting for money, but they don't care. Or they have such an agreement with the UK.
аватар Iren48
Since November, we have been waiting for a payment from Join for travel insurance
аватар Andrey111
Who has problems with insurance, pay attention to the following points:
- The basis for the payment of insurance indemnity is your application and insurance act, to collect all certificates and necessary documents - it is the responsibility of the insurance company.
- Carefully read the terms of the contract and the rules of insurance on the website of the IC on the terms and conditions of payments.
- If the term of payment of insurance indemnity has expired and there is no decision to refuse payment - file a complaint to Natskomfinposlug (National Commission for State Regulation of Financial Services Markets) - the body that licenses insurance activities. It has been proven that it is a very effective method. Saves money and time to go to court.
аватар Iren48
Thank you Andrey! Let's give them a little more time and we'll get back to you.
аватар valminar
Thank you, Andrey111. We have been sent a list of documents that need to be prepared
- Insurance contract
- Agreement on the provision of tourist services (original)
- documents confirming the fact of payment for travel services to the travel agent by the Insured Person (original or duly certified copy - signed by the authorized person and
- Copies of foreign passports of all Insured Persons who did not make a flight (all pages, including
unmarked pages)
- Copies of the passport and TIN of the payer for the tour
- Originals of documents confirming the reason for cancellation of the tour
In case of travel cancellation due to health disorder (including due to COVID-19)
● Extract from the medical card of an inpatient or outpatient patient - REQUIRED
● Certificate of testing confirming the information
Documents confirming the status of the person who contacted the patient with COVID-19 and
need for observation - - REQUIRED (all documents are provided by doctors
аватар Andrey111
As I understand it, you must have all these documents available, submit to the insurance company and control the time for consideration of your application and decision.
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