Question o Sharm el-Sheikh

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Tell me, where, besides the Old Market, you can eat seafood? And it's far from the hotel
Tell me, where, besides the Old Market, you can eat seafood? And it's far from the hotel
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8 subscribers  • asked 2020-08-225 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар vovatours11
You can in Naama Bay. There are many restaurants, there is also Fores in Genena City. El Mercatl, Fores Restaurant
аватар Toorchik
Fares. There are three restaurants of this chain in Sharm. The prices are adequate.
аватар Wiland
Open google maps and enter seafood in the search engine, select the nearest one. The Fares network is the most promoted, the prices are almost the same for all
аватар ser_____Witness77
delivered directly to hotels - delivery costs about $ 7
аватар Zubokylia1508
Fares is much closer, go along the road straight to the ring, turn right, go to the other ring, there are still police, cross the road and go straight. See the inscription. Walk for 10-15 minutes. Type on the Internet and look on the map, it's not far away. There will be no tip in the check, another 10 percent. You can go there from a tour operator. There will be a set lunch. I think it's cheaper, but a lot of food at once: soup, the second. I don’t eat so much right away, let’s say in the heat. But it will be cheaper
аватар vezha2
Go to Naama in the evening - eat seafood and walk around the center
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