Посоветуйте, плз, отель в Шарме для отдыха в декабре в безветренной бухте с песчаным нормальным заходом, чтобы было не по колено, а комфортно купаться взрослым и детям. Риф не важен
Advise, plz, a hotel in Sharm for a holiday in December in a windless bay with a sandy normal entry, so that it is not knee-deep, but comfortable for adults and children to swim. Riff is not important
Advise, plz, a hotel in Sharm for a holiday in December in a windless bay with a sandy normal entry, so that it is not knee-deep, but comfortable for adults and children to swim. Riff is not important
16 subscribers •
2020-08-155 years ago