Посоветуйте в Шарме хороший и недорогой отель, чтоб заход не только с пирса, и чтоб море не убегало. А то друзья за Альбатрос говорят, что все хорошо, только моря не видели
Advise a good and inexpensive hotel in Sharm, so that the entry is not only from the pier, and so that the sea does not run away. And then friends for the Albatross say that everything is fine, only they have not seen the sea
Advise a good and inexpensive hotel in Sharm, so that the entry is not only from the pier, and so that the sea does not run away. And then friends for the Albatross say that everything is fine, only they have not seen the sea
15 subscribers •
2020-08-145 years ago