Подскажите, плиз, по отелям Шарма - Альбатрос Роял, Лабранда, Монтаза. В каком риф лучше? В каком ближе до пляжа? В каком Wi-Fi лучше? В каком сервис лучше? Какой ближе до аэропорта?
Tell me, pliz, on the hotels of Sharma - Albatros Royal, Labranda, Montaza. Which reef is best? Which one is closer to the beach? Which Wi-Fi is better? Which service is better? Which one is closer to the airport?
Tell me, pliz, on the hotels of Sharma - Albatros Royal, Labranda, Montaza. Which reef is best? Which one is closer to the beach? Which Wi-Fi is better? Which service is better? Which one is closer to the airport?
9 subscribers •
2020-08-075 years ago