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After arriving from Sharm, is a test or self-isolation required (Ukraine)?
After arriving from Sharm, is a test or self-isolation required (Ukraine)?
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21 subscriber  • asked 2020-07-245 years ago
Answers  •  58
аватар 0676307776
No. Egypt is in the green zone. Arrived from Sharm today.
аватар Alex170782
Egypt is "green", but on the verge of a red zone! We need to monitor the situation.
аватар vezha2
on July 24 Egypt in the green zone
аватар iraolk
On which site you can monitor operational information, tell me, please.
аватар valle-ed
In relation to Ukraine, he is not on any edge.
аватар ilika15
Where to monitor zones, tell me?
аватар 0676307776
As far as we know, the data is updated every two weeks.
аватар moy_contakt
There is a website of the Ministry of Finance com and there in the context of each country, the information is updated daily (this is for yourself to understand, but today they have a rate of 53.9 people per 100 thousand. They now show a lot of recovered people and a very low incidence, the increase is literally 10- 30 people a day Well, the table itself by countries and zones on the website of the Ministry of Health.
аватар moy_contakt
correction. Today, on July 24, Egypt showed 991 recovered, which well exceeded the number of cases (668 people) and the rate slipped by 53.6 people per 100 thousand. So far, something like this
аватар vovatours11
No, it's not necessary.
аватар ser_____Witness77
green zone / red zone - these are all fairy tales for fools. They draw as much as the government orders ... it’s profitable for our government to draw red for us ... and you believe them more, be afraid, sit at home and do not take the currency out of the country;)
аватар Elenka08
Not at the moment
аватар valle-ed
ser_____Witness77, absolutely rightly said
аватар lazy_person
"green zone / red zone" - draw. But that doesn't make it any easier for us. You have to "play" by their rules, those who draw. Here you buy a tour to the "green zone" (Turkey) to a "certified hotel" (Fame Residence Kemer Hotel & SPA 5 *), you pay 1500 bucks, but they won't let you into the airport (they won't let you on the plane), they say the temperature is higher. So, what is next?
аватар moy_contakt
lazy person, take a thermometer with you and monitor your temperature. If suddenly .... Paracytomol to help.
аватар lazy_person
Yes Yes. Here I am about it. Continuous monitoring, instead of rest.
аватар moy_contakt
No, you're wrong. This is just to get on vacation, and then everything is fine :)
аватар ziskin
Congratulations, the rules have changed, now we need 2 weeks less sick people than ours and 30 pr growth is no more for them ... idiots who will count this crap .. work for the entire Ministry of Health .. and so they should give data in 3 days .. and start for 16.07
аватар valle-ed
ziskin, what rules have changed, can you write more clearly?
аватар moy_contakt
As far as I know, Ukraine has increased the number of cases from 40 to 55 people per 100,000, and this is all the changes. Accordingly, some countries returned to the green zone again. Like all changes. But for the opening of the Schengen area, they believe that for some time the rate of cases should not increase, and so on .... Everything is complicated there ...
аватар ziskin
Already the statement of the Cabinet of Ministers about the rules of observation has been changed
аватар valle-ed
ziskin, give a link, what changes are you talking about?
аватар moy_contakt
Observation rules .... Those who arrived did not have it. There was self-isolation with the ability to do a PCR test and finish it faster if the test was negative. In general, give a link to the new changes, if any, because I can’t find anything new anywhere.
аватар valle-ed
I don’t find it either. We are waiting for a link, not empty words.
аватар agent_borabora

Information as of 15.07, 16:00
According to the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Vladyslav Krykliy, the Government of Ukraine has just changed the criteria for countries belonging to the "red zone ".
Now, after returning from Egypt, you DO NOT need to undergo a 14-day observation / self-isolation or COVID-19 test.
At a meeting on July 15, the government changed the criteria for the countries of the "red zone". Now Ukraine considers them to be states in which the number of active cases of COVID-19 is more than 55 per 100,000 population, instead of 40.
Source: Minister of Infrastructure Vladislav Krykliy in the official Telegram channel.
аватар valle-ed
agent_borabora, we know about it
аватар ziskin
The decision to extend the adaptive quarantine adopted on July 22 by the Cabinet has not yet entered into force
аватар valle-ed
ziskin and here Egypt?
аватар ziskin
There is
аватар ziskin
Maybe fake
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