Question about hotel Parrotel Aqua Park Resort 4*

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what is included in the mini bar?
Can you please tell me what is included in the mini bar? When is payment due? can someone use it?
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5 subscribers  • asked 2011-01-1314 years ago
Answers  •  7
аватар PlyusheMonstr
payment is due upon check-out from the hotel
there is a price list on the table near the minibar
it says what and how much it costs
аватар alexey2005
water is included in the minibar free of charge, as elsewhere. The fridge is replenished as it gets empty.
аватар Zlata28
NOT included in the minibar free water
in this hotel for sure
were in october, mini bar only for money
аватар olesyaGrin
Zlata28, tell me, how did you like the hotel in general?
аватар Zlata28
yes i can say i like it
although probably still important. pay for the tour
if up to a thousand bucks (as we had)
then sorry for him
If it's more, I don't know...
if so point by point, then:
fish beach is good if there is no wind
meal for four
area for five
service is normal
water park - good, especially for children
аватар Zlata28
well, that is, if you sum it up
then the hotel is solid 4*
аватар alexey2005
I don’t know how it is in other rooms, in mine there was always water in the refrigerator
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