Question about hotel Jaz Fanara Resort 4*

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write about the hotel please
I am going with my daughter 13 years old in August to the Iberotel Phanar who was please write about the hotel.
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6 subscribers  • asked 2013-07-1412 years ago
Answers  •  7
аватар PolikSVT
And 47 reviews on this site are not enough for you????? People tried to write...
What are you specifically interested in at the hotel?
аватар dimdimysh
Tell me, why are you asking about the hotel if you comment on review 8.07 with the phrase that you have been there several times
аватар yasmina9
I was a long time ago in 2008,2009 .. maybe something has changed ..
аватар sandra-art
everything that has changed is described in the reviews for this year
if something has changed, then you catch it in the latest reviews ....
аватар lamina
why is everyone so irritated? I am also looking for a good hotel with a live reef for myself. and also been to many places. something has been forgotten, something has changed. I read a bunch of reviews and look, they pay 2.5 for tea there, pay for water there .... with such success, it makes no sense to look for something if people can’t tell. and the husband says, why bother, we are going again to Rehanu4 *, where we were 2 years ago. there is definitely no inconvenience. if you compare the service, the availability of food at the hotel and on the beach, the sea-fish-corals, then what the hell to suffer and invent a bicycle ....... but! I want to see something new and not to the detriment of myself, so that later my elbows do not bite!!!!! people! Respond and advise something good for the new year, as for yourself. thanks in advance!!! everyone
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