Question about hotel Charmillion Sea Life Resort 4*

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Sea and weather in early September???
Who can tell me about the weather in early-mid September? How does the sea behave during this period?
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4 subscribers  • asked 2014-07-2111 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар magazin_new
Warm and comfortable) The heat is not felt near the water. Go and you won't regret) Super holiday, YOU.
аватар andreyvip
in fact, it can be called the "velvet season", the water is very warm, the sea will be calm, and the sun will not be as pouring as in July, but you don’t even need to joke with it even in September.
аватар orhideya21
Nabq, where the hotel is located, is inherent in the current of the wind, almost at any time. Don't guess 100%. There is a feature of the open sea, the reef is steep down. When you look at the fish, make sure that you do not "pull" quickly along the reef or towards the open sea. Then it's hard to row back, especially without fins. It's hot and the water is good.
аватар andreyvip
I completely agree - the current there is decent, without fins I would not recommend swimming for a long time, and as they say, as long as you have the strength, swim against the current, but then it will bring you back. Well, there is a current in Sharm in all places where there are deep reefs. calm only in the bays, but there, as a rule, the reefs are weaker and the depth begins smoothly
аватар Anetka-gan
Personally, I feel uncomfortable and hot at such a time! from shade to shade only to move
better since october
аватар orhideya21
Fresh review, the hotel is not far from Sea Life, they write, the sea was "opened" only after 14.00 because of the waves. When I was in it in October, I got into the sea only 2 times a week. You see, once at a time it doesn’t happen, the situation can change constantly due to the “well-being” of the sea and the wind :)
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