Question about hotel Melton Tiran Sharm El Sheikh (otel zakryt) 4*

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how often can I take free spirits from strong drinks on the beach, can I buy a whole bottle of whiskey there? Or do I constantly run for a dose? Do they even pour a hundred grams at a time? reviews strained chtoli ..?!!! Thank you in advance for your answer !!!
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6 subscribers  • asked 2010-05-3115 years ago
Answers  •  7
аватар i.sharm
In order.
- there are no restrictions in the bar on the amount of alcohol, only on the opening hours of the all-inclusive. I only ask you - know the measure. The sun is hot, the alcohol is strong, the combination is unpredictable. Experiment starting small.
- they won’t give you a bottle for free at olinklyuzive, but of course you can buy it. Most likely it will be local moonshine at a sky-high price, for imported alcohol, the prices will be sky-high.
- on olinklusive you will have to constantly run for a dose.
- pour 1/4 of a small glass, on a smile with a request to add - add half. Depends on the bartender, he is the most important person there and considers himself a big boss. A tip, a smile and a few words in Arabic help. Try to play the waiter out of yourself, as if you are taking drinks for the company. They took four glasses, then poured into one.
- there is no tension, the main thing is to distribute your efforts correctly.
Like answered.
And now the main advice.
Local alcohol is very, very amateur, so much so that I have never met such people. Mostly suitable only for cocktails. Of course, a cocktail helps - local alcohol + freebies, but the pleasure is so-so. Therefore, use the services of Duti Free shops.
аватар papa74
Give a dollar, pour a glass of 200-300 grams. In total, you will have to go to the bar 3-4 times for a liter.
Free pour grams of 100 ...
Alcohol is different in Egypt, once at a time you don’t have to. All-only local.
But there are (moments) good drinks. I recommend trying gin (if it smells like pine needles, then it’s normal)
аватар Sergey.2.16
All the free swill is not very good! On the first day, I got drunk so much that it was bad in the morning. And from 10-00 I had a hangover! I saw how one Muscovite took three glasses of rum at once (100g each) and threw them literally nearby without going far one after another! but it’s not beautiful! And everyone drank on the beach and in the sea ... to scare the fish ...
аватар i.sharm
By the way, in this hotel, role-playing games in the waiter, it seems, will not work. They have a rule - one glass in one hand. Therefore, "require topping up after the foam settles" :)
аватар Zlata28
they won't give you a bottle
and the glasses can be poured many times
still have to run
аватар Anetka-gan
Yes, it depends on you and how you communicate. if you get along with the bartender, you will get a few takans. Under no circumstances will they give you a bottle. it's easier to buy in dutik
аватар Dmitry_MINSK
You can take 2 Russians in your luggage, 2 liters of whiskey in the airport in a dutik, and within 48 hours upon arrival with a dutik passport, take another 2 liters in the city if you feel that you won’t have enough for the whole vacation :) and pour yourself on the beach :)
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