Question about hotel The Grand Hotel Sharm El Sheikh 5*

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How are things with children's animation? Is there anything to do in the evening?
How are things with children's animation? Is there anything to do in the evening?
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6 subscribers  • asked 2016-11-028 years ago
Answers  •  25
аватар ser_____Witness77
does he still work?
аватар alex45
Why shouldn't he work if he was the base in Sharm for ANEX? Well, at least in February-March of this year, one of the most filled was. Do you, sir, have any other information? Or just rumors?
For TS. In the evening, rest on the evening animation, there were very good singers, after the evening animation for young people there was a disco. As always, there were fakirs, Bedouin dances, skirts, etc.
аватар ser_____Witness77
and patamusho, many hotels have closed now, from and I ask
... animation - quite suitable during the day, cheerful and sympathetic girls / guys were from Mariupol (if they haven’t changed yet or the hotel hasn’t closed at all)
- in the evening, singers / and ala disco (dancing to the speakers in the hall)) - solid kitsch and complete bad taste, animators take good disco to different places in Sharm, but now almost all hotels have this procedure ...
аватар alex45
You either haven't seen it yourself, or you're just composing! Two girls (one from Moscow, the other from Kiev) sing on the stage in the evening. One is jazz, the other is pop music. And the voices are not bad! Disco after, but not in the lobby, but in the disco, though there are few people there, because. the hotel is not for youth. They invite you to discos outside the territory, but I don’t know how many people travel. I haven’t seen children's animation.
аватар alex45
And here is the national one - skirts, fire dances
аватар ser_____Witness77
- why should I compose - I have witnesses, the girl from this forum rested with me at the same time (December 2015), in my opinion "orchid" is her nickname. The animators were mostly from Mariupol, one (Alla if memory serves) - she was their bandersha-lighter, the soul of all companies ...
and in the evening it was pretty boring: he often sang right in the bar at the exit towards the beach some kind of Arab under the plywood, once - the doll-cohabitant of the front manager (Slav), there they also arranged dances in the style of a collective farm disco)) were (a couple of times) essno and all sorts of visiting miserable fakirs / torch shows / belly dances, etc. (they all merged with me due to their common bad taste into one ...)
- but all this is of an extremely low level - miserable kitsch and bad taste ... if, of course, you see the difference between kitsch and real art (including high-quality billedance / torch show / good disco, etc.), and if you are omnivorous, then - to whom the mare is the bride (c))))
аватар alex45
Yes, I see that you are incorrigible, in passing you can insult a person, tell fables.
If you have been to this hotel, and I know from your posts that you often confuse hotels, then their evening performances are held not in a bar, but on an open stage, and there were no Arab singers there.
Read my post, where I wrote that two girls with pretty decent voices sang on the stage. This is the data for February-March of this year, and not last December. You probably guess that animators are hired for a certain time (usually for the season).
So blindly you can not see a donkey instead of a mare, you be careful, there are enough of them in Egypt.
аватар ser_____Witness77
from last December to February/March of the current big road? ))
- it's not even about that, who sells this hotel and whether it works at all now ... you know the answer? , you are our enlightened))
аватар alex45
Yes, and you don’t know! Don’t pretend to be a great connoisseur of Sharma!
Some questions from you, "how and what they eat in Sharma hotels, they gave me an apple. Now I'll climb under water with him" Less self-conceit, and more advice, let's figure it out!
TC didn't ask you if the hotel is open or not. Question TS - "How are things with children's animation? Is there something to do in the evening?".Sometimes open your eyes, don't make the audience laugh!
аватар ser_____Witness77
that's why I ask more that I don't consider myself a great connoisseur - my posts are evidence of this;)
- but people like you are dovgonosyks (s) - hey ... they always want to give everyone their amateurish advice and sucked out of who knows what finger pGemudGuests / sacred knowledge)))
- the country of councils (c) has sunk into oblivion ... as well as the need for distributing those;)
I went into the selection of a tour as a specialist - I didn’t see this hotel, so the question is rather rhetorical / historical / archaeological ...
аватар maxxx1997
You are mistaken, the hotel is open and I'm flying there in a month))
аватар ser_____Witness77
what tour operator?
аватар alex45
Well, sir, did you get hit in the nose again?
Once again I am writing, do not try to be a "great connoisseur" of Sharma, otherwise you will not enter into any of the branches about Sharma, your burnus looks everywhere. You will read less real advice from those who live and work in Sharm, only yours is "bad food there!".
Well, insulting the nationality of a person (Russian, Ukrainian, Chukchi or Jew) is the last thing. Maybe it's time for the admin to take a closer look at this "unfinished Bedouin", it's time for him to advise instead of Sharma to go to the Gaza Strip, where he is closer to his "beloved" Jews.
аватар ser_____Witness77
judging by everything in its length, wherever you pop your nose, as a rule, you get it, which is quite logical;)
- on the topic: the main 7 tour operators of this hotel do not have an assortment, but they write all sorts of different things ... only a stupid person believes every word (c) - said one wise man;)
Are you one of those who believe? ))
аватар alex45
I want to end this bodyaga with a quote from a review by a tourist who visited there in October 2016 (they are still flying there) -
"I was especially pleased with the animation team: the guys were great, they had fun, entertained and did not let anyone get bored"
I think there is a rest time and words on the quality of the animation. The hotel was rated - "excellent" This is also information for the vehicle.
Here is another review from the last days - "Great hotel for the money. Great location, beautiful reef, if anyone swims, then you are here. Large, well-groomed territory, the hotel and rooms are cleaned every day, a lot of greenery. Food is C grade, but you can lose weight). Gorgeous animation, especially Yana with a charming smile:)"
Pay attention to the timing of trips, there are NO trips for sulfur there. And believe what he writes - "only a stupid person believes every word" HIM, of course!
I could not help but respond to the last post of this miracle in a turban or what he shook his head with. If you are preparing an answer, then do not dwell on your little experience on this site, there are other tourist sites
аватар alex45
I found these reviews in five minutes, I could still quote them, there are not only these two, but this is a different tourist site and this is not accepted here.
аватар ser_____Witness77
Listen, Abizyan (judging by your ava) - they write a lot of things on the fence - but there are boards, and not what is described.
- as proof of your erotic fantasies, you can provide a SCREEN from the selection of a tour by any tour operator for the actual dates of departure to THIS hotel.
All the rest of your words are empty market chatter. Fershtein?
Can you make a SCREEN ... or do you not even know what it is, a resident of the country of the Soviets (c) ))?
аватар alex45
And why should I do it! I will need, I will find how to organize my vacation, I know how! And as independently and as through TO directly. And not only in Sharm.
Yes, you rolled into insults, because there is nothing more to answer!
аватар ser_____Witness77
I didn’t roll, but only answered you to your insults = an eye for an eye (s),
Well this is your quote was "a miracle in a turban" ... or do you also suffer from sclerosis))?
"I will need, I will find how to organize my vacation, I know how!"

- don't be ridiculous, what can you do? you can only trample on the clave, but praise yourself beloved - I know your breed very well;)
аватар alex45
And "mare-bride" - not an insult? And who is first and who is second! Kindergarten! The only thing is, there are no arguments, people like you roll into insults. And of course you're not ser!
Hints that I am a Jew, although in principle this is not an insult to a normal person and I am not a Jew, but you continued this in the future.
I understand that you are an anti-Semite, a towel on your head only to hide the lack of thought, this is a "miracle in a turban."
The rest, let the admin understand!
аватар ser_____Witness77
- Have you already swindled (how do you do it)? - and where ? in the league of sexual reforms or in sports lotto (c) ))?
On the subject: is there a proof that this hotel is working now? ... or are you an ordinary talker (as it has been typical for you from time immemorial)?
аватар alex45
So learn Fedya and don't make a breach to people!
Anex tour offers tours for seven days from Kyiv to the ROYAL GRAND SHARM hotel in November 016 (I set 11/20/16 - departure) at a price of $ 832 and beyond, including December. December - prices are higher.
You wanted precision, you got it.
ser, by the way, by nickname, and obser..sya. Or change your nickname or wipe yourself off!
By the way, I don’t write anything to the admin and never did. But these trolls just need to be removed from here so that they don’t compose fairy tales for people here.
аватар ser_____Witness77
well, firstly: you still don’t know how to make screenshots (as I expected) - your ava does exactly match your image of a narrow-minded homo-sovieticus))
secondly - read the question of the topic: "The Grand Hotel", but what does "ROYAL GRAND" have to do with it?
- can you put an amoeba on your avatar ... well, or a maximum of an ascorid what thread))?
primacy is too high a title for you))
аватар alex45
Please excuse me TS and everyone who visited this site. Indeed, these are different hotels and gray and I argue about this not on the first branch. What I wrote about the hotel concerns the ROYAL GRAND SHARM HOTEL and it is the base for Anex. The hotel is decent.
Grand Hotel Sharm El Sheikh 5 *. The names of the hotels are very similar, which brought me down. It really is not on the list of hotels that work with MOT.
аватар fograndsharm
Good afternoon Snegoly.
The Grand Hotel organizes for children the work of a children's room with an animation team employee, an evening disco for children. Also on site there is a children's playground and children's pools.
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