Question about hotel Sunrise Diamond Beach Resort Grand Select 5*

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is it windy here in early april?
According to the map in the genus is it not in the bay? Are the waves not very strong?
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4 subscribers  • asked 2010-03-0615 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар natali26
There are no waves in principle, and the wind season has already ended, there is just no heat yet, after the sea it will be cool, but the water is very warm. At any time of the year does not fall below 24 degrees.
аватар papa74
WELL water ... it also has a lower degree ... here is the data
according to Sharma:
аватар Marianna
the air and water temperatures are very comfortable, there are no winds.
аватар Tanyusik
Was there for 10 days, just returned. The wind was almost every day, and for several days there were quite big waves. But in the end it became even hot and, on the contrary, I wanted a breeze. The beach is built in ledges, so there are places where even in the wind it is almost calm.
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