Question about hotel Sunrise Diamond Beach Resort Grand Select 5*

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What are the best fish restaurants in Naama Bay?
The best fish restaurants in Naama Bay.
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2 subscribers  • asked 2010-04-1714 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар KarinaMango
I would recommend the WINE, but actually the BEST is not in Naama. Try to visit the Old City, Old Sharm, there is a FARES restaurant, a crowded, very tasty and not so expensive place. It is sooo popular not only among us locals, but also among tourists who have been told about it by someone. Word of mouth, most likely)
аватар nadin65
Yes, indeed the best, and in great demand by both tourists and locals - FARES, which is located in the old city, the Old Market.
аватар Anetka-gan
FARES!!!!! and once again FARES!!! allegedly opened a new Fares in Hadaba yet. the freshest and most delicious seafood. and the prices are shocking! we don’t eat like that for that kind of money!
аватар tata57
And I also know a cool fish restaurant in the Old City = Sinai is old, it seems so. It looks inconspicuous, but very tasty. And the wine is across the road. Bon appetit.
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