Question about hotel Sultan Gardens Resort 5*

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Is there a mini disco for kids in the hotel?
Tell us about children's animation, please!
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4 subscribers  • asked 2010-10-2914 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар tata57
I don’t know specifically about this hotel, but there is no animation, as such (as in Turkey), in Egypt. And especially for children. was very nonsense, no-ka-kay!
аватар Sonya1995g
How many times have you been to Turkey, Egypt... and Always great animation for children... in each hotel it started differently, usually at half 9. They spend games with children, mini-disco .. with cheerful music)
аватар bank96
There is. Super-animator Irina has been working with children in this hotel for 3.5 years. 3.5 years in one place - that says a lot. The kids love it, the parents love it.
There is a wonderful children's club (both the territory and the program), there is a children's disco (beginning at 20.30).
аватар ultramarinaM
The children's club is rather old - everything is based on Irina's enthusiasm. Animation for children plays too much in the evenings, and there is no way out for the sound, because. she plays in the amphitheatre. My daughter (3 years old) really wanted to dance, but she was afraid of the roar - it should have been 2 times quieter.
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