Written: 28 july 2009
Travel time: 6 — 19 april 2009
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For business travel; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 9.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 10.0
Food: 9.0
Amenities: 9.0
SHARM EL SHEIKH. SAVITA is a hotel made of glass and flowers! Since in the first part I described the hotel itself, here I will describe our excursion to the reserve. ABU - GALUM - one of the most intense excursions: jeep riding in the desert, camel ride along the seashore, snorkeling in the BLUE HOLE - one of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world, lunch on the seashore. DAHAB. (excerpt from the price list) Since we are not fans of various excursions, we decided to diversify our vacation by choosing exactly this on the advice of GUIDES. Cost $60, time from 06:00 to 18:00. Selling tickets for this tour, the guide was surprised to state for himself the fact that we had just bought tickets to the PASHA nightclub, we would be brought to the hotel from the club at 04 am and departure for the tour at 06 am. Looking up from filling out the forms, he raised his uncomprehending eyes to us and squeezed out a speech “DO YOU LIKE JAPANESE SUSHI IN CLUBS SO MUCH! ? » Alluding to
that we already bought tickets to nightclubs from him for all days, and such an arrival at 04 in the morning and departure immediately at 06 in the morning surprises him. And here SUSHI, I thought - NOT SUSHI AND SOUL

smiling at him and making a spatial gesture with my hand, which explained nothing, I laid out $ for tickets.
In the morning we were picked up by drivers in jeeps (see photo) who looked like Afghan dervishes in turbans. Having received dry rations and many bottles of water, we and 6 other people from our hotel set off. We stopped at the hotels, people were arriving. The meeting place from all the hotels was appointed at some kind of gas station, on the one hand, flowers on the other, the stink of a repair shop. Immediately everyone was sent to a store that sold and rented scuba equipment, the price varied according to the eye of the store owner (who looked like how much $), I asked for a life jacket,
$ 8 said the Arab without raising his head as I filled out the sales sheet, I handed him $ 8 with my right hand on which the ring with a ruby, the Arab stared at him without raising his head and silently began to write $ 16 for the vest in the sheet, I removed my hand from the $, the Arab raised his head with eyes of innocence itself. I pointed my finger at the Arab in the sheet, where it was $8 everywhere, seeing our confrontation, the guide ran up, they shouted something among themselves and the guide issued a verdict of $10, giving $10 we went to the smelly workshop, where the guide decided to collect everyone, to conduct instruction. Jeeps, almost all with bald tires (see photo), waited for people from other hotels and the whole column set off. At the entrance to the reserve, they checked documents, communicated by radio, bazaar - train station, they let me through. The police are in beautiful uniforms, all slender, smiling, of course, not like ours under 150 kg and with one question on their faces. And here is the road of the reserve, the line of asphalt and around the mountains, mountains, sand, stones.

If there was free space on the road, our Arab drivers drove half on the oncoming lane (see photo), there is a descent ahead, a closed visibility zone, and our jeep rushes on the oncoming lane! ! Apparently this is part of the entertainment for tourists, otherwise it’s simply impossible to go so stupidly. The speed is 130 km per hour (see photo) on the median strip of the road! And here is the first stop on the track, tents with stretched burlap, goats, a toilet for $ 1 from two, but everyone went one at a time, there were no cents. East is a delicate matter! The further way lay through the canyon of rocks, where there was only one green tree, forgotten by God! Our driver meandered among the rocks along the narrow canyon road, sometimes doing somersaults in his car so that we flew all over the jeep, which amused him and amused us. But after he almost demolished the side of the jeep on a rock, he wiped his wet forehead with his turban and suddenly calmed down, apparently thinking, “DO I NEED IT? » Jeeps overtaking each other, dousing with dust,
arrived at the second parking lot in the so-called Bedouin settlement. THE GUIDE ZEROLY TOLD HOW THE BEDOUINS LIVE HERE, WHAT THEIR DIFFICULT DESTINY IS. But it was clear that all this was a fake village. The Bedouins tried to sell us something, one rushed to sweep the garden with zeal, the filthy children asked for something, giving one of the smallest $, other children were already waiting for $. The girl took the $ to her mother, who offered her goods, she gave us the pendant of the scarab through the girl, we refused, giving a couple more $, we realized that it was bottomless. The guide, having gathered the people, spoke about the high moral feelings of the Bedouins and about the great wealth that they need for weddings, in short, tired. We came to our jeeps and there were already children standing there and asking for food, pointing at the packages of dry rations, taking something out of the packages, we gave them, but they showed like * GIVE THE WHOLE PACKAGE! * Barely fighting off the children and giving up what was, we began to climb into jeeps,
the drivers dispersed the children as they were quite insolent and climbed into the jeeps after us, pulling out the remaining packages. Again the road in the canyon and here is the sea, swimming in reefs that cannot be called beautiful, lunch on the seashore with the Bedouins, which was accompanied by the silent gaze of the children who surrounded our buffet. Lunch was worthy of attention, fish GROUCH, rice, greens, ok. Sitting at the table, that is, on the carpets, many wanted to share with the children, but adult Arabs yelled something at the children, and they refused. NATALIE and I were sitting on the edge and a boy of 5 years old, black, curly-haired, came up to us and sat down, NATALIE called him to us, offering him food on the carpet, he refused, I took what was and moved it to him, he smiled and showed his hand to the table like - *PUT ON THE DESK WHERE IT STOOD*. Tin I thought! After sitting, I again brought him food, he, no longer smiling, indicated with his hand like - * BRING BACK TO THE TABLE ! ! *
And here is the camel overture,

in which everyone had to play the score on their camel for 1 hour and 45 minutes! ! GUIDES talked about camels but assured that we would just ride for 20-30 minutes along the seashore. Those who wished could go by jeeps to the final stop of our excursion BLUE HOLE, but the guides assured us better on camels. If 20-30 minutes, then everyone wanted a camel ride. There were about 70 camels (see photo), they began to seat everyone, the saddles were crooked, it was not comfortable to sit, some camels were crazy. And so this whole caravan set off with terrible screams, the road along the very sea, stones, a narrow path, even the camel chooses where to put his foot, if the camel falls 100% the rider is kapets or fractures are guaranteed. And just like that, 1 hour 45 minutes! The returning camels from the previous caravan run towards us, they knock down our willows. Prevent them from walking, and some willows. turn around and try to get back together with the rider! NIGHTMARE is not for the faint of heart. (cm.
a photo). There is no GUIDE, the drover turned on the fool to the fullest. But that's the end, the caravan came to the BLUE HOLE, the drover helping to get off the willows. asks for baksheesh, but he is just sent to…. ! . And here is the BLUE HOLE! (see photo) lost by God but a favorite place for drivers, a depth of 80 meters near the shore! The guide takes everyone to the cafe on the second floor, where, according to him, we can rest on the carpets after the transition, we will be served, tea, coffee, hookah, beer, etc. We can change clothes and give ourselves to snorkeling. Lounging on the carpets, people began to order tea, beer, etc. Nimble MACHO with a notebook in his hands quickly wrote everything down, maneuvering between us. Everyone began to order tea, we were thinking whether to go swimming or not, asked for a glass of beer, having accepted the order, MACHO appeared in a second, sipped beer NATALIE said that she would not drink it - it was water with beer! I tried it - sure! Seeing a MACHO standing over me, waiting for $ 5, I said that I would not pay, and handed him a glass of beer.
He yelled something at me, I demand money, as I understand it. Showing him to get away from me with his beer, I made it clear that the conversation was over, he ran to the first floor and suddenly returned with another main MACHO, as I understood. He quickly understood that I was talking about water in beer and showed with his hand that it was from a barrel, showing what was being poured with a lever, depicting it with his hand. I pointed to my eyes, inviting him to show me this barrel and I will pay for everything, he gestured, pay and go look, (or maybe the gesture meant you don’t want to pay, let’s go, we’ll figure it out), I gestured to my eyes that with my own eyes here I didn’t see the barrel and you two will go and show it to me (he probably thought that I would gouge out the two of them and invite them to come out and figure it out), their eyes were rounded like those of Afghan shuravi. Then our guide appeared, missing as if on purpose, understanding what was happening, he told MACHO to bring beer in a bottle, I agreed to pay for a bottle for $ 12,
Leaving the cafe, I looked around, NATALIE swam waving her hand to me, divers loaded into their jeeps, drove camels somewhere, a godforsaken place, I thought. (see photo) Broken sunbeds, rubbish, ruins, an Arab sitting under a canopy by the sea in some form, with surprise I read POLICE on the form, he silently looked at me, then pointed towards the sea with his eyes, I turned my gaze and I saw a dog that was standing all over in the sea, only its head was sticking out, it was hot, I gestured to the policeman that the dog needed a mask, the policeman smiled without moving. I thought a gloomy place, I went up to the sunbeds to sit down, everyone was broken, one was not broken, he was occupied by that dog (see photo) that was cooling in the sea, his head was on the headrest, everything was like people’s, he didn’t want to drive away. And so everyone got enough swimming, everyone was loaded into jeeps, now check in to DAHAB and to the hotel. DAHAB is a big village, horror, check-in to the market, prices are not lower than CHARMEL, when you leave they slow down and seem to swear.

Poverty, garbage dumps, children eating something on the side of the road in the trash, (see photo) but pointing fingers for $ 2 for the photo. RETURNING TO THE DARKNESS, THE SPEED IS CRAZY, THE HEADLIGHTS DO NOT INCLUDE. I was frightened by a camel, probably gone crazy and running in the dark along the road towards cars. And here is his own hotel, farewell to our driver $ 10 as a keepsake, because it was not in vain that after each stop he was standing in front of NATALIE in a second, giving her his hand when leaving the jeep.
At night, sitting on the balcony of our room, we only repeated to each other “NO, WE ARE NOT SIGHTSEEERS, WE ARE NOT SIGHTSEEERS”, pouring cognac and sorting through tickets to another nightclub.
Continued in 3 parts.
Part 3 will be about the night SHARM EL SHEIKH, about the people who surrounded us in this country....
Continuation of my title, of course, without claims to A. S. PUSHKIN -
I am the desert canyon of a lone tree
I gently hold the leaves
the meaning of life in ABU GALUM
I'm tired of thirst I can't understand
I saw a rose in the sand
she didn't want to die there
and close the petals
she offered me to save her life
I gave her water
I cherished the thorns
petals kissed
I didn't let her die here under the sun
I wanted to take
where are the gardens and fields
where is my dear RUSSIA
Colors shone, thorns blossomed
and she said
I don't need your RUSSIA
Wiping away a tear
she tore off a piece of paper for me
and now I'm in MOSCOW on the window petal
and I know that I'm all alone here.
This concludes my 2nd part of my review, GOOD LUCK on your travels!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original