Question about hotel Sierra Sharm El Sheikh Hotel 5*

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People! off-season prices are now more expensive than they will be in the fall?
I'm worried ... I don't have enough money to travel to my favorite hotel. Waiting for summer ... like off-season. and falling prices .. It didn’t happen .... now I’m waiting for autumn .. maybe there will be fewer people and lower prices ... But isn’t it cold in October and what kind of water is there: isn’t it cool? Tell me: when is it cheaper to go to Sharm: in August, September or November ???
I planned to fly somewhere on August 16, since closer to the 22nd of August, people will reach for the seas and prices will rise.
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5 subscribers  • asked 2009-07-0716 years ago
Answers  •  16
аватар Zlata28
Are you asking if it's cold in October?
No, it's not cold, on the contrary, it's a great time to relax in Yegi.
And the temperature of the air and the temperature of the water is what you need!
At the expense of cheaper - I doubt that in the season itself
for Egypt, it was cheaper than in the off-season.
But this question is probably best answered by travel agents.
аватар Mariya25
Summer is off-season, prices are lower accordingly.
There is a fall in prices, and a very noticeable one for some hotels. Good hotels rarely burn, but prices are still lower than in autumn or spring.
October is the peak of the season, the prices are the highest. The sea and air are excellent
It's cheaper to go in August or late November (but it's already windy).
Closer to the date of departure, just compare prices - and there are already prices for August, so they will still be calculated for longer periods. Then draw a conclusion when it is more convenient for you to fly
аватар qwerty25
in general, what half of August ...? it is clear that not the last numbers are related to Independence Day? Those. Is it better to fly in the first half of August before the holidays?
аватар Mariya25
As practice shows, there are a lot of special offers for August 29-30-31, since before September 1st there is a poor load of flights - everyone goes to school
аватар Marianna
According to my observations, low prices in Egypt are the end of March-beginning of April, since everyone has already flown on March 8, and the May holidays are still far away, and the first half of November, when everyone is preparing for the new year and, accordingly, many go to rest on New Year's Eve. And from January to the first half of March there is nothing to do there, if only to go on excursions .....
аватар qwerty25
fsee!!!! Looking forward to September 1st! Guys! Thank you very much for your advice!!!
аватар Mariya25
not at all:)
аватар orhideya21
Rested last year in Savita at the end of November-beginning of December. Air-27-29 in the afternoon, in the evening 20-23. Very satisfied. The hotel is located in a rock cascade, which gives 100% protection from the wind at this time in other hotels. According to friends, this was a decisive factor in Savita's favor. Didn't miss. It was always warm to swim, the hotel is good. The price is already normal at this time. If you want to go to Egypt in the winter, Savita is the one.
аватар orhideya21
By the way, Sierra is the cheapest from the operator Domina Travel. Find it cheaper, tell me, please, I also want to go to Sierra.
аватар HotLine
Not at Domina. Today at Kariya's. Not much, but cheaper.
аватар orhideya21
Thank you Hotline!
аватар HotLine
You can look at yourself. And check on the sites of operators.
аватар orhideya21
Thanks, useful site.
аватар lamina
HotLine, the prices are low, according to your recommendation, on this site they are much different from the prices that the agencies give. who to order from?
аватар HotLine
These are real prices. Operators are visible there. You can check prices on the operator's website.
In any agency, if you come with the selected tour (dates, hotel, price, operator), you will also receive a discount on these prices.
You at least looked at my profile to understand how I know.
аватар lamina
Haven't looked, but will. Thank you
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