Собираюсь в сентябре в Египет, рассматривала отель Сиерра, прочитала отзывы и сомневаюсь. 5 и 6 корпуса негативные отзывы, выселение в 12, а рейс вечером, браслеты снимают, невежливый персон
I'm going to Egypt in September, I considered the Sierra Hotel, read the reviews and doubt it. Buildings 5 and 6 negative reviews, check-out at 12, and the flight in the evening, bracelets are removed, impolite people
I'm going to Egypt in September, I considered the Sierra Hotel, read the reviews and doubt it. Buildings 5 and 6 negative reviews, check-out at 12, and the flight in the evening, bracelets are removed, impolite people
6 subscribers •
2016-08-239 years ago