Question about hotel Sierra Sharm El Sheikh Hotel 5*

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Advise, who recently rested in Sierre, is it worth going there?
We fly for 22 days in September, the proximity to the airport is embarrassing, maybe Domina Aquamarine Beach is better, we also considered it, all in doubt. What is the distance between these hotels?
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6 subscribers  • asked 2011-06-3014 years ago
Answers  •  9
аватар sandra-art
There is noise from the airport. but he didn't bother me.
True, you are going for 22 days. I can’t go to Egypt for more than 8 ...
about the airport. more precisely, the distance - according to this site, from Siera the airport is 8 km, and from Aquamarine 6 kg.
You can see the distance between the hotels yourself on this site. find Aquamarine in the photo and drag the card down - Siera is higher
аватар MuMu66
Domina all is just FEAR!
It is very bad there now - read the reviews on the Internet carefully.
Sierra is unknown if it works.
The beach is deserted - no one there!
Here is a photo (remember)
taken June 19, 2011
farthest beach of Savoy Sierra
аватар aisha_sharm
Sierra works. And I advise you to choose it.
аватар hendo7
Thanks to everyone for the answers, we went to the Water Park 2 times, also for 22 days, we liked it very much. This time we decided to go to another hotel for a change, we just don’t want to be disappointed, rest depends not only on the mood, but also on the hotel too. We live in the north of Russia, so 22 days, I want the sun and the sea, and I also need time to travel on excursions.
аватар sandra-art
Siera!!! There is Soho Square - plenty of entertainment. and you don't have to go anywhere.
аватар Zlata28
when we were and the airport is really close
and you can really hear takeoffs and landings
but not stressful at all.
i.e. it cannot be called a rumble that poisons the rest
аватар Zlata28
p/s my post about Sierra
аватар hendo7
Thanks for the answers, the reviews about Sierra are good, let's hope that we will not be disappointed.
аватар Magma-moon
I agree with the rave reviews about Sierra!
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