Question about hotel Sharm Inn Amarein 4*

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How far is the sea from Sharm Inn Amarein? What terrain to go to him (in the city, construction site? Or)? And what about the water - give out?
How far is the sea from Sharm Inn Amarein? What terrain to go to him (in the city, construction site? Or)? And what about the water - give out?
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9 subscribers  • asked 2017-10-067 years ago
Answers  •  22
аватар Vika284
The sea is far 3 km from the beach, the hotel bus takes to the sea 2 times a day, the bus is not designed for many guests who want to visit the beach, the taxi option is several times a day
аватар Vika284
I advise you to look at the inexpensive Club El Faraana Reef in this area, 5-7 minutes to the beach in a calm bay, with a beautiful reef. favorable price-quality ratio
аватар alex45
Here on Turpravda there is a "Hotels" section, where there is a rating of hotels, and reviews for each hotel, and even maps of hotels, where you can see even at sea, whether there are reefs or not, but questions go here, and we patiently answer them. So What, Vika, answer !!!
аватар Vika284
Alex45 first answered, and then looked that the author matveika of the question and the following questions already on hotels in Hurghada wrote a lot of reviews on different hotels in Hurghada and Sharm, I don’t understand what she asks if she has been there many times and this year already 3 times in Egypt and strange questions about water?
аватар Vika284
Sorry Egypt
аватар alex45
Yes, I know, she even has a thread about Egypt here, which she opened and is also one of the Turpravda experts.
I'm completely different, because it's impossible to know everything and I often look for answers to my questions and not only on this site.
Another thing, you are not tired of answering the same questions that come to this "Questions and Answers" section, when one click and you see everything about the hotel you need in the "Hotels" section - both the description, and photos and reviews, and the location on the map and other things. Probably, it would not hurt to explain this to the admin in the "Main" section, it's a few lines. Maybe somehow aim at it. But this is not for you!
аватар Vika284
alex45 I re-read all the reviews and looked at all the photos of matveika about hotels in Egypt, my particular opinion was that she was only in 1 hotel out of all the hotels about which she wrote a review.
аватар Matveika
Well, here's the impudence ... I was in the same hotel for 13 trips (or 14 I don't remember) ... yes ... I drew the pictures myself .... Alex, thank you for understanding. This madam cannot be explained that it is not possible to know everything, and it is not realistic to remember at all. And she likes to insult - there is something from psychology, probably.
I repeat - I don't keep all the details about hotels in my head (yes, they are often renamed), so I write down reviews and keep photos. It's more comfortable for me. As in the form of questions, to clarify what is needed, and not to comb through the reviews (about animation and beer).
I do not choose hotels in this context, I look at what tour operators offer. I didn't know that Vicki was of the opinion NOT TO ASK QUESTIONS! To answer, she is simply not able to either (more on this above).
So, dear turpravdovtsy, for whom it is not difficult - answer in fact, thank you in advance.
But to treat boors, it's useless.
аватар Vika284
Matveika, I first answered your question about the hotel - is that rudeness?
then I wrote my dissenting opinion, is this rudeness too? Where did I offend you? Write me offensive phrases and complain to admin about these phrases.
And the fact that you answered everyone who answered your last questions about Egypt is not rudeness?
"Oh ... well, it's hard to answer - the beach is sandy, there are no fish. They give out water" or "Don't be boring - I choose cheaper hotels ... and not those where I want (in which there is coral in Hurghada) .. it's hard to answer - in general ignore the question "is this not rudeness?
аватар Matveika
No, not rudeness. :) I'm tired of swearing with you... go to... Bodrum...
I choose hotels, and you arrange "talking" for me ... For your first answer, in fact, I gave you a "+" ... For the rest - that you are outraged that I ask similar questions on 4 hotels, I'm sorry, I can't ... Where you accused me of deceiving the travelers, because I had never been anywhere .... well, I didn’t know that compliments look like this now ...
аватар Vika284
Matveika I'm the only one who answered you at least one hotel,
Are you so indignant, is my assumption and dissenting opinion correct? If I'm rude then why are you texting me?
аватар Iren48
So, the button "questions-answers" can be safely removed as unnecessary. After all, all the information is contained in the reviews. The tourist has gone angry now, he is too lazy to answer. But he is not too lazy to shovel a bunch of TS reviews in order to convict him of a lie :))))))))))))))
аватар alex45
Irene! Still, there are interesting questions, but almost every day I don’t feel like answering in the “Questions” whether the TA hotel offered me a bad one or a good one and this is the same hotel. But even references to the “Hotels” section do not help, these questions go side by side.
аватар Iren48
Alex, well, not everyone has time to shovel reviews! Some people work. Yes, information tends to become outdated. Yesterday they gave water, but today they don’t give it anymore :((((There were fish and they swam away. The coral is dying :(((Well, why be angry? Whoever wants to, will answer. And so there is a lot of negativity in the world, why multiply it? Love each other!
аватар alex45
Yes, I'm not angry!
I understand too, but especially lately there have been a lot of "tourists" who want to get information without moving their "brain" for a minute. Nobody says to read all the reviews, but a couple of the latter will not hurt to look at the hotel what kind of territory (green or three palm trees per square kilometer), etc. it’s not difficult, and only then, if you don’t understand, then ask questions. But I think others may have a different opinion - “questions are help!”, then find out whether they will provide a potty for a child or the Internet is appropriate.
аватар TanjaYad
I agree with Irene. It is not always possible to read everything. Yes, reviews are custom-made and not in fact. This has already been discussed in other threads. It's okay if someone asks a question. If you don't want to answer, you can pass by. But to accuse a person that he should already know everything himself is not correct. He same not simply from nothing to do asked question. We have been communicating on this site for many years and try to help in any way we can. Let's keep doing that.
аватар alex45
Sorry, let's not juggle.
I didn’t write that you need to re-read all the reviews, “but a couple of the latest reviews are possible,” after all, and it’s clear when the review is “custom-made and not in essence.”
By the way, there in the "Hotels" section there are photos of hotels and their location, and a bunch of photos. This is not on this thread. I already started posting photos here as illustrations for the answer.
But where you saw the accusation that a person should know everything, this was not in my post. And by the way, that a person with nothing to do asked a question, this happens quite often.
I am not against communication on this site, and it shows, but I don’t feel like repeating myself constantly about the same thing.
аватар TanjaYad
You took it all for granted. Perhaps you did not read very carefully all the discussions of questions asked by a person who wanted to be helped on several hotels of interest, and received in response:
"Judging by your reviews, you rested in most hotels in Hurghada and Sharm, why are you asking, you yourself know everything" (quote from another discussion thread).
I would not like it if my question about help was answered that I have been to many places, I already know everything and why I ask questions. Once again, you don't want to ask.
A person physically cannot know everything, even after a 10-fold stay at some resort. There are too many hotels, life is not enough to explore everything.)) I think the issue is settled. Let's treat each other with understanding.
аватар Vika284
Tanja Yad I wrote this phrase and it was written that this is my dissenting opinion.
The questioner asked separate 5 questions about 4 hotels in Hurghada and one hotel in Sharm, instead of combining them into one question, for example, "please advise for a vacation on a budget ... with a beautiful beach and fish .... one of these hotels.. .."
I am the only one who answered her question about the hotel that she asked in Sharm. I always try to help when asked, but the person did not bother to read the reviews in the "Hotel" section, but simply took and wrote 5 different questions. Then the author of the questions wrote insults in private messages.
You were embarrassed that I wrote, you were not embarrassed that the author of the question rudely answered not only me, but also the rest.
I have been staying at the same resort for more than 12 years, although I go there once a year, I can tell you the hotels in the region, who is the owner, which animation team is this year, which chefs are in the hotels
But I agree with you to treat a friend with understanding
аватар Matveika
Well... I'll have to post private messages where I "insulted" Vika... I tried to explain why I need it. Vika herself noted that in fact only she answered me - and what should I do about it?
I am not satisfied with the question - help me find a budget hotel. This is stupid - they may not offer it with us. I went logically - looked at what they offer the cheapest and asked questions. It turns out - no way!
I'm not interested in reviews about animators, reading them hurts my eyes, looking at personal photos against the background of bougainvillea - it won't help either...
Show me - where on the site is it forbidden to ask questions that interest you? Where is it written that this gives the right to reproach the setter? If you don't like it, if you don't know - skip it. Otherwise, instead of two phrases - vooooot such a misfortune .... Only the answer is essentially - this is real respect!
Irene, Tanja Yad - thank you! Vika no longer has the strength to explain the logic of her actions ...
аватар admin
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аватар yulacha2011
Sharm Inn Amarein is a budget 3 *, although some tour operators sell it as 4 *, I personally visited this mountain hotel at the end of November 2017 (the photo is on my page), it’s very far to the sea on foot, I DO NOT ADVISE ANYONE !!!! !
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