Question about hotel Sharm Grand Plaza 5*

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Swimming in the sea. Is the current strong, how dangerous is swimming?
We are going soon. I want to swim only in the sea. I swim well. I beg you to answer!
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7 subscribers  • asked 2010-04-0415 years ago
Answers  •  7
аватар Ojasminelle
As far as I know, the current near this hotel is really very strong: some time ago, acquaintances rested there and that's what they didn't like in the hotel. They say you can only swim with fins. But this is typical for all hotels located in Nabq Bay.
аватар bibigon
Yes, the current is strong, but you can swim. If you swim well, then everything is fine, the main thing is not to forget the mask and fins.
Have a nice rest!!
аватар Da_Li_17
The current is always different, but even if it is there, there is always a young man on duty who will help, but when the current intensifies, no one is allowed into the sea. But in the whole week that we rested there, this never happened! It was possible to dive and swim freely, the impressions are super!!!! The variety of fish is simply incredible!!!
The current in this hotel is strong. but if you are a good swimmer and there is always a lifeguard on the pisra, then everything is fine.
the most important thing is not to swim close to the corals!))
have a good rest! =)
We rested at the hotel 2 times from 25.05.08-5.06.08 and 18.06.09-28.06.09 and I can’t understand where such a strong current comes from? In my memory, there was a strong current for only one day, and then after lunch for 2 times of rest, and so it’s basically an ordinary current in which you swim normally without problems.
аватар petr6969
Spices!!! What current !!??:) Have you ever been there?:)
аватар Annet19
Were with my daughter (17 years old) 15-22.08.10. There is a current, but everyone swims (and without fins too). I didn’t see someone being blown onto a nearby pontoon. In general, I swim very mediocre, but for 1-1.5 hours I swam along the corals without problems (sometimes with fins, sometimes without).
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