Question about hotel Albatros Royal Moderna Resort 5*

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Is there a free shuttle to Old Market or Naama
Hello! Can you please tell me if this hotel has a free shuttle bus to Old Market or Naama and how often does it go there. If paid, how much does it cost? And many more here write that you can get to the Old Market or Naama by minibus, but who can tell you how to do it in the opposite direction? I haven't been to Nabq before, but I moved around Sharm a lot. I got the impression that there are almost no minibuses in Nabq. Otherwise, you will go with your child for fruit to the Old Market, and back ....)))))
Thanks in advance to everyone for the replies.
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9 subscribers  • asked 2011-06-2114 years ago
Answers  •  9
аватар aisha_sharm
In Nabka, the Metro supermarket is now open, the prices are not high and there is enough fruit. They don’t hang on the scales. So why not buy fruit in the Old Market. And if you take a walk, the minibuses move around the clock. But tourists are often asked to pay $1 each. Money to pay for the fare when leaving. Now Nabq is a very beautiful microdistrict and there is where to walk.
аватар Lu-la-la
Aisha is completely right about supermarkets.
And there are no free minibuses from Albatross.
rinew, if you eat fruits during your vacation, then aisha2010 already wrote to you about the Metro above. And if you bring fruit to your homeland, then you are better off in the Old Market.
But I am not a fan of fruits from supermarkets, we always buy fruits and vegetables only in the old market and have been in one place for many, many years.
аватар rostova
Minibuses from Nabq run regularly. They never stood for more than 5 minutes. They paid, as they wrote above, when there were pounds for 5 pounds, or 1 dollar. It was very convenient and fast, they reached the Old Market with a breeze. Before leaving, they picked up fruit there that the hands fell off. Bargained with a taxi driver for 5 dollars. to our hotel El Hayat. True, he cried and rolled his eyes all the way, but he drove properly. We rested at the end of March.
аватар tmvvelen
rested last time in Naama in January-February 2011, before that - in March 2010. - and then and this year they paid 1 POUND !!!! per person for a minibus from Naama to the Old Market one way (i.e. for five - $ 1!), And you don’t need to ask how much it costs - they just call it from the bulldozer - they silently gave it away and went (as the locals do)
аватар Zlata28
minibuses (blue) go past this hotel
stop, trade, sit down and go.
bargain hard, benchmark 3 pounds per person.
Didn't have to go back.
because we usually “stock up” at the most I can’t)))
and on the way back we go by taxi
аватар tmvvelen
back it was already getting dark (about 21 hours) - they paid the same 1 pound from the nose
аватар Oksana303
We are now resting in this hotel, and the Tez tour guide told us that in connection with the revolution they launched a free bus to Naama Bay, at 14.00 from the hotel, it seems that we need to sign up, but we have not tried it yet, because. during the day it is very hot to go there.
аватар Ksana1912
now I am in Albatros moderna. There is a free bus to Naama Bay there at 14 00 and back at 18 00 they are taken from the same place where they were brought. At 18 30-23 00 paid bus 5 euros per person.
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