Question about hotel Regency Plaza Aqua Park & ​​Spa 5*

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going to rest with a one-year-old child, eats only homemade porridge, how to cook, where
cook food for the child in the room on your own or can you arrange for the kitchen to do this by the cook? or yourself?
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6 subscribers  • asked 2010-09-2814 years ago
Answers  •  7
аватар HotLine
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аватар papa74
The chef will arrange everything.
And if you are not satisfied with the chef, then you will do it in the room. You will need to take everything with you: a small stove, saucepan, porridge, milk .... etc.
аватар AlexL
what kind of people...
Yes, a child from one flight sucks, not to mention climate change.
I never understood these "parents".
аватар papa74
I am always pinned by the staff in hotels in Egypt.
It is clear that people work far from home, for 20-25 days ...
But the pose "a la Michael Jackson" with pulling up the causal place, especially among waiters and bartenders ... discourages in taking a drink "first hand" ;))))
And this applies to completely different hotels. In August, I observed the chef and administrator of the restaurant at the Ritz. We talked calmly, but sometimes "remembered Michael" ;))))
аватар koroshchenko
Was in this hotel. Let's just say, it's better to cook porridge on your own and with bottled water. Even if the cook agrees to cook for you, he will take water from the tap, there may be problems with the health of the child. There are rooms with a kitchen, but they are expensive. I don't remember if there were microwaves in the restaurant. If there is (maybe someone will write), then this is the way out, if not, you will need to take something from home to cook porridge.
аватар amirame
nichego Vashemu rebenku ne budet, ne slushaite etogo AlexL. Ya vot ne ponimau ot kuda on pridumal takoi bred. Ya so svoei zaikoi s 6 mesyacev letayu v Egypet i vse horosho bilo s poletami i adaptaciey.
аватар zazulya
Thank you all so much for the advice! !!!!!
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