Question about hotel V Hotel Sharm El Sheikh 5*

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Silence in the hotel?
How quiet is the hotel after 23:00?
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4 subscribers  • asked 2014-04-0711 years ago
Answers  •  6
Pretty quiet in the hotel. although the place of your number can also play. Ask for a room in the villas when you check in, it will definitely be quieter there.
аватар gpb-71
Of the 8 nights, we slept completely only 2, or yelling on the street or in the corridor of the building, at 6 the cleaners already begin to talk. Settle if possible in the first building higher and the rooms are closer to the sea, it is quieter there. If you don’t have neighbors who thump and yell nearby, then maybe get some sleep. But they will be sure, such a contingent of tourists there.
аватар bonpari-decor
I agree with the previous review! at night, under our window, drunks walked and yelled at the top of their lungs ... about mats for the entire reception and showdowns in the bar, I generally keep quiet ...
Yes, here it’s how lucky you are with the contingent, that’s for sure))))) The entire line of dezole Pegasus hotels, the audience is all Russian-speaking, no one can guarantee you what it will be like.
аватар 2643823
Thanks for answers! Russians rest everywhere I would like to know a disco, show programs how far from the tourist buildings? In Turkey, because of the small territories, all the shows are just held under the windows, like in this hotel?
аватар gpb-71
Disco bar with hookah, etc. there is also on the street between the first and second buildings, it is quite audible. But compared to drunken screams at night, these are trifles.
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