Question about hotel Melton Beach Resort (otel zakryt) 5*

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which hotel to choose?
what is better to choose: Melia sinai or Tiran island corinthia adjacent to it??
I would like to hear the opinion of those who have visited these hotels. since there is already experience comparing five and four of the same hotel chain with one common beach.
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4 subscribers  • asked 2012-07-1013 years ago
Answers  •  5
аватар Starling
I have been to Melia Sinai. The food is so-so, there are no packaged juices. But there are rooms almost on the beach with a front garden. Yes, and do not drag far to the sea. I don’t even know how it is in Tirana.
аватар maldo61
and this is not one hotel chain, the pontoon is just a common one and that's it ..
аватар SkAlla
We recently rested in Tirana, visited Melia. The architecture of our hotel and the grounds personally seemed to me more attractive than Melia Sinai. Our food, of course, was worse. Hotels have a common Panton, but I liked our beach more, and it is closer to Panton. Specialist carries to the beach. open bus, but we often walked not so far - 7-10 minutes. Animation in Melia is much better. Well, the price, you know, the 5-ki is more expensive. In general, decide for yourself what is more important to you.
аватар doktor_ps
I do not recommend any of them, take Melia Sharm
аватар doktor_ps
Read my review about Melia Sinai, look at the pictures, we walked in Tiran, there is only one pool, everyone lies like herrings near it. We met a German woman from Tiran - the food is worse than ours, only dates and apples from fruits, the only thing they say is cleaner. Look Sofitel , Melia Sharm, Baron, although a little more expensive, although not much, but this is a level, and here is survival, and for the same money
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