Question about hotel Island View Resort 5*

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Do I need to be vaccinated?
Hello. I'm going on vacation to Egypt with a small child in August. Tell me, do I need to pre-vaccinate and which ones? Or take pills? Thanks to all.
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7 subscribers  • asked 2013-07-1412 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар travelsita
As a rule, vaccinations are not given to visit Egypt. The main thing is to make sure that the child does not drink tap water and does not rinse his mouth with it (you can only bottle it). Be sure to take gastric products with you, incl. antibiotics and antidiarrheals. You probably know about sunscreens with a high level of protection. HAVE A GREAT REST!
аватар alena-p-2012
Thank you very much.
аватар Slav1
Yeah, grab a fumigator too. In some hotels it may even come in handy)
аватар Pachok
It is better if there are all the routine vaccinations recommended by the Ministry of Health, plus a vaccination against rotavirus.
аватар sandra-art
you don't need to take pills. take away frustration. and you can eat white coal or sorbex after meals
аватар alena-p-2012
Will a fumigator come in handy in SUNRISE ISLAND VIEW RESORT 5*?
Be sure to take a standard first aid kit for trips abroad. Yes, it’s not strange, but fumigators are needed here)))) it won’t take up much space, but it will help you out a lot from rather painful mosquito bites, although all hotels poison them daily, but this muck is not killed)
аватар Pachok
I never took a fumigator to Egypt ... And I never saw bloodsuckers in hotels. But it all depends if the hotel is bullying them, not everyone does.
аватар Kasja23
It is difficult to see them, to hear the Egyptian mosquitoes do not buzz, as we are used to. Only then are the arms and legs bitten, as in the North. Where mosquitoes are not poisoned.
So put the fumigator, it will not be superfluous if something happens, especially if you are traveling with a small child.
All hotels are poisoned, but if the territory is large and green and the wind is not blown, then mosquitoes thrive. They don’t bite everyone - the British suffer the most from them (I don’t know by what category mosquitoes choose them, maybe their blood is sweeter))))) My brother came here with his family, he was fine and his wife too, but one child was bitten terrible(((
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