Question about hotel Island View Resort 5*

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same wedding and birthday
please tell me who was in the hotel on his birthday or spent his "honeymoon"?
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8 subscribers  • asked 2012-06-1313 years ago
Answers  •  11
аватар alex45
I had a birthday in Egypt. Be sure to tell the reception about it when you check in. For dinner, there was a cake from the hotel with songs and dances from the restaurant staff.
Thank you
аватар Viltis
I celebrated DR twice in Egypt. In Movenpick they brought a cake to the room and my husband ordered a cake and congratulations (for a fee), and in the Citadel they brought a cake to the room at 10 pm :-)
It all depends on the hotel, but the reception must be reminded.
аватар nadin65
There is a line in the ticket where you can write only one wish!
Even when buying a tour, let TA indicate that you are newlyweds - then you will receive a fruit basket upon check-in.
Or indicate your birthday, and they will hand you a cake in a restaurant at dinner or bring it to your room, as you wish.
But!!! Be sure to remind the reception the night before.
Three times celebrated a birthday in Egypt, never paid extra.
аватар ludonya
Celebrated my birthday at this hotel. She didn’t remind anyone, didn’t say anything, they found me in the room after dinner (on the phone), congratulated me, asked if I could accept congratulations from the hotel now and offered to order dinner and congratulations in any of the restaurants, I refused dinner. They brought a cake, flowers and a written congratulation to the room. It was very nice. as a regular customer they always brought a fruit basket and I never reminded anyone at the reception of this
аватар alex45
Well, maybe as a regular customer - a "fruit basket", but you need to remind about the birthday)))
Do you have to pay for early check in? We arrive at 8:00 am....
аватар ludonya
well ... how can I tell you ... for insurance, you can put $ 20-40 in your passport and hope for good luck and the mood of the manager who deals with the check-in - if there are free rooms, they will check in right away ... I'm talking about my practice specifically In this hotel. and neither my birthday nor the fact that I am a regular customer - I didn’t remind anyone, all the information is on the reception and the hotel administration monitors this (I felt it in “my own skin”)
аватар zxcvbnm_113
A friend had a birthday, they informed the waiters at the Fatima restaurant in advance, upon arrival we were waiting for a table decorated with balloons and flowers and congratulations in the style of "happy abyss" from the staff with a cake and music, we liked it.
аватар Kurganova2
We celebrated separately individual service.
In the general restaurant, we thought - congratulations are very commonplace. And in the gazebo by the sea - there was a wonderful romantic dinner. Everything cost about 60 bucks (shrimp, fish, barbecue, fruit salads, juices, coffee, ice cream. The service was great, the Arabs rushed about like clockwork. They took champagne with them, and all the rest of the alcohol was free in unlimited volume. Cake and a fruit basket were from the administration free of charge to the room.
аватар TamaraBong
so it's great)
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