Собираемся в октябре в Iberotel Palace. Интересует, есть ли коралловый риф, недалеко от берега (я читала, что возят на лодке на риф)? Есть ли в отеле Wi-Fi? Расположение отеля?
We are going in October at the Iberotel Palace. Interested in whether there is a coral reef, not far from the coast (I read that they are taken by boat to the reef)? Does the hotel have Wi-Fi? Hotel location?
We are going in October at the Iberotel Palace. Interested in whether there is a coral reef, not far from the coast (I read that they are taken by boat to the reef)? Does the hotel have Wi-Fi? Hotel location?
5 subscribers •
2019-08-066 years ago