Хочу забронировать тур на двоих на 9 ночей с вылетом в период со 02.10 по 07.10. Цены относительно неплохие. СтОит бронировать тур? Или лучше попытаться купить ближе к планируемой дате?
I want to book a tour for two for 9 nights with a departure from 02.10 to 07.10. The prices are relatively good. Is it worth booking a tour? Or is it better to try to buy closer to the planned date?
I want to book a tour for two for 9 nights with a departure from 02.10 to 07.10. The prices are relatively good. Is it worth booking a tour? Or is it better to try to buy closer to the planned date?
4 subscribers •
2021-08-074 years ago