Question about hotel Dessole Royal Rojana Resort 5*

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Has anyone flown to this hotel from TO Pegasus? Please tell me how is it
How is the attitude of this MOT from beginning to end?
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6 subscribers  • asked 2010-08-3115 years ago
Answers  •  12
аватар papa74
The main thing is the attitude of the staff with whom you will contact Xenia every hour of your vacation, and TO contact you for a maximum of 2 days (arrival and departure)
аватар orhideya21
I won’t say about the attitude itself, but in general, Royal Rodzhana is a Pegasus hotel. From the airport, the bus always goes to Rojana, then other tourists are transported, even if their hotel is closer to the airport.
аватар iakomka_5
We rested in this hotel, TO was Pegasus. Everything went smoothly and perfectly, the attitude is excellent, like the hotel itself!
аватар supergva
The hotel has a table at which two representatives of Pegasus are constantly sitting.
There are a lot of Russians in the hotel.
For Egypt and such a large number of people - the service is at the level.
Plus - a beautiful reef. Minus - a small beach and constantly busy sunbeds.
The territory is hilly, not very close to the beach, but from the beach - walking uphill.
аватар iakomka_5
the beach is not at all small!) and there are two of them - relaxation and an asset. We didn’t go to the beach early in the morning, and yet, there were always sunbeds, but the rise ... well, if you are 60 years old, it may be difficult .. .Although the grannies ran there for hello))
аватар galiya1962
On our holiday, Pegasus gave us an extra day! And as for the beauty of the reef, it will do for the first time!
аватар papa74
galiya1962, "this will do for the first time", but where then in the second or third?
аватар supergva
I support papa74. The reef is pretty cool.
And the second beach there is not big at all and with an incomprehensible relief. I didn't like this.
аватар kseniyatitova85
Thank you very much!!!! I was very worried, even though it was not the first time in Egypt, but still we are flying from Pegs for the first time, so thanks to everyone !!! everything calmed down!!!!
аватар galiya1962
papa74! Don't lie! You know very well that Baron's reef is cooler!!
аватар supergva
galia1962 I dare to assure you that the Baronet reef is worse.
аватар papa74
Yes, I was not on the Baronovsky reef (what then the second-third-fifth time to go there? if the first time comes down RRR ...)
The question is not about the location of the RRR reef.
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