Question about hotel Dessole Royal Rojana Resort 5*

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tell me, please ... we are flying to this hotel on September 5 ... how is it with the rooms?
In which building is it better to stay? and how much money to give at the reception? Tell me pliz
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4 subscribers  • asked 2010-08-3115 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар ILYA-2009
It is useless to give money in Rojan. Their numbers are like hot cakes, whatever you get. And if they relocate, it is not a fact that it will be better. All the rooms there are not super. And the location is such that if closer to the sea, then further from the center. restaurant and reception. There is, however, a golden mean. Rooms near the center. pool. Ask there! I don't remember the part number, unfortunately. The main thing is that the sea in Rodzhane is one of the best! The food is excellent too! Happy holidays!
аватар supergva
In principle, I confirm the words of ILYA-2009, but we were shown three rooms for 20 bucks. All this was done by a porter in sand pants and a striped T-shirt (white and green).
In my opinion the best case is the second one. At the same time, it is advisable to take rooms in it that have an entrance from the side of the beach, and not from the inside of the building (it is much easier to access the room and from it).
аватар galiya1962
We indulge the Arabs ourselves with money, and then we are surprised that they do not want to work! Do not give money, we were already given a good number, the first digits are 17! This is a Russian hotel, let them get used to the Russians!
аватар kseniyatitova85
Thank you very much!!!! And even though it’s not the first time in Egypt, I worry all the time ....
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