Question about hotel Albatros Sharm Resort 4*

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what is the situation at the resort at the moment due to recent events
I'll be back in a week, maybe not.
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8 subscribers  • asked 2013-08-1812 years ago
Answers  •  12
аватар TombArthur
I have thoughts of traveling in countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Bangladesh ... and you worry about Egi)) everything will be fine and boring, you are unlikely to see people running around with Kalash and lemons))
аватар Stella73
Europe is evacuating its own (who wants ahead of time, they sent additional planes, they return the money).
There are no new flights to Egypt, money for trips is also naturally returned, or you can change it to another country. Well, that is, this is not a recommendation, but an official decision - even if you want to go, it still won’t work.
The British both flew and fly, Russia and Ukraine also fly. The situation at the resorts is unchanged.
аватар Evgeniy68
I am writing from Makadi (Cleopatra Hotel), everything is SUPER! Everything is very calm, the sea is fabulous, the hotel is excellent. We need to fill the empty hotels in Europe and especially in Sochi (billions to beat back stolen from new hotels), that's panic and prohibitions. left earlier, there are both Germans and Italians and everyone is outraged by the media and TV stories about Egypt, but the Egyptian army showed how to crush armed terrorists, and not peaceful student demonstrators.
аватар pavelleonov37
my girlfriend plans to go to Egypt in October and is not afraid. she maintains friendship with her family from Hurghada. Just yesterday she called them on Skype. Everything is fine in Hurghada! Turkey. He had huge square eyes! He said that he lives in the area where there were supposedly riots - for some reason, he heard from me for the first time that in Istanbul it turns out that people were dispersed with tear gas!
аватар kef-lida
In Ukraine, even if you change your mind, nothing can be changed. We bought a ticket to Makadi in advance, before the events. Now I would not go, but:
do not change to another country,
money is not returned (penalty madmen - out of 1200 dollars a fine of 860) Is it normal?
аватар bushueva6
We changed Egypt to Turkey. no problem, no penalty. We eat on September 7th
аватар Baffi-81
We arrived on Saturday. Rested near Hurghada, Makadi Bay. Everything was quiet and calm, we learned about what was happening from the news on TV. I went to Hurghada on an excursion, the city was calm.
аватар NesyDobro
We changed Egypt to Turkey, Tez-tour without problems, without penalties, we fly on September 16th.
аватар elenadzhulai
The charm is quiet and peaceful. Rest and relax))
аватар Ojasminelle
At the resorts in Egypt, everything is calm (as it was from the very beginning of the revolution). In Cairo and Alexandria, it's a different matter; political events are unfolding there. And in the resorts, the local population earns money))) I constantly keep in touch with friends from Egypt, since I myself am going to fly to Sharm in October. The media constantly exaggerate everything, it's already disgusting, honestly!!!!
аватар Ojasminelle
For information to all who are interested in resorts in Egypt - the statement of the Minister of Tourism of Egypt dated August 22, 2013 (in English):
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