Baron and Baronesses

Written: 23 july 2008
Travel time: 23 — 30 may 2008
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Baron and Baronesses

Location - Baron deLuxe (aka Baron resort)
Time 16-30 May 2008
Weather. : air temperature 36-38, water - 23-24, strong wind until noon
Participants: Russian tourists: - the eldest (at the age of Sophia Loren) - the first time in Egypt and the youngest - (at the age of the third love) - N-th time in Egypt

This is just a fabulous obsession - for several years in a row I have been going on vacation only to Egypt to the Red Sea, to the fish.
In a successful scenario, the moments of amazing unity with Nature, which I previously experienced only in the mountains and in the dunes on the Curonian Spit, last not for minutes, but for hours. After all, until you finally freeze, you can look at this amazing living reef world for hours.
And the reef in Baron is good, very good!! ! .
Firstly, practically unlimited swimming along the reef throughout the bay (km. 2-3), and
secondly, what fish, fish and fish!!!

I love to look at those who flop into the water for the first time with a snorkel, they have SUCH eyes! ! .
And they are delighted - is it really true - I am among the unearthly beauty of the fish. It is then, at leisure, having studied the map of fish, many begin to be afraid. After all, the most beautiful fish - they are the most poisonous and dangerous. However, there in the sea you quickly understand that if you don’t touch anything and anyone with your hands, don’t feed the fish from your hands, then no one will particularly encroach on you.
Who is really dangerous is the surgeon fish (it has a long, razor-sharp tail that can hurt a gaping vacationer - especially if it walks / swims in the shallow water of the reef and the lionfish, which looks like a floating headdress with Indian feathers.

Using the harmful advice of my comrades who had previously been to the Baron, I nevertheless fed the Napoleon fish with a boiled egg (do not peel the shell !! ). People, this is something! when a huge “whale fish” swims up from the blue depth, gracefully slowing down, seizing a delicacy on the fly.
I was afraid to feed directly from my hand, there such a mouth opens - you can fall into your belly with flippers : -))

As you understand, everything else was of little interest to me, but I can report that the contingent was mostly families with children (a magnificent beach, a kilometer-long promenade, bicycle rental cars, entertainment on the beach, children's discos, food, special chairs in a restaurant - this is for kids most times). But, I would like to warn you - it is almost impossible for children to swim in shallow water, just wet their legs. Entry into the sea only through the pontoon - 120 meters. After May 25, children clearly increased. In the restaurant, the waiters professionally maneuvered between this kindergarten, which was violently frolicking during meals.
By the way, I didn’t understand whether these were our Russian children, jumping so naturally between restaurant tables, those. it was from a lack of our upbringing or the Western method of such upbringing ...

The overall impression of the Baron is excellent.!!!
The question of proper accommodation, which torments so much everyone who comes to this hotel (the rooms are very, very unequal), I decided back in Moscow by ordering a “front beach”, that is, a view directly to the beach.
What I would strongly recommend against doing
a) - massage - a real swindle and deceit, in short, scammers work in the so-called SPA center
b) drink juices, soft drinks, eat ice cream on the beach - the dishes are washed very poorly, you will toil with your tummies

That is, my bad advice to you - if you want to drink something, only in the evening, in a restaurant and something alcoholic, alcohol, you know, it still kills some microbes ....

And to all, have a good rest, see you again in Egypt.
hello fish
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