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I am flying to this hotel on 08/30/2013. How is the situation there???
The travel agency said that the situation is normal, BUT if I want to, I can change tickets in 2-3 days. I don't really believe what they say on TV. Tell me what and how it is now
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14 subscribers  • asked 2013-08-2212 years ago
Answers  •  28
аватар travelsita
Probably, the Egyptians themselves do not know yet, it will be 30.08.
аватар elenadzhulai
I rest in charm, everything is quiet and calm.
The situation in resort towns was still calm. The mass media, of course, give out news in a slightly hysterical context. As long as I live in Sharm, the problems of Cairo have not yet touched us, only in one thing - in fear of tourists coming to rest with us.
Even during the revolution, when flights were stopped, nothing happened in Sharm. All resort towns are under special protection for this.
аватар pitel_spb
Excuse me, but under what special. security? What is this protection?
I'm interested because of traveling with a child.
Not a single car will pass into the charm without inspection and identity verification. There are a lot of army and police, but on the roads to Sharm, there is also inside, but not like at the entrances to Sharm.
+ hotels have security
аватар koroshchenko
This is some nonsense. So what if the hotel has security? The country is in a civil war. God forbid what, how will the hotel security help? It's like p.. Against the wind. And in general, this is their internal conflict and no one knows what ideological beliefs the hotel security guard has. Well, obviously, it’s not a dream of a lifetime to protect a non-Christian foreign tourist.
Once again!!! Now the resorts are calm, no one knows what will happen tomorrow. You eat at your own peril and risk, no one has the right to give any predictions for the future, for the reason that I do not believe in so many clairvoyants. Whoever writes that everything will be fine is disingenuous. Do not listen to anyone, read the news, assess the situation and your strengths, and make your own decisions.
аватар Volt_22
Tin, it also drags the child under the bullets ....
аватар Tatjana_M
My daughter and I love Egypt. We rest in Sharm 2 times a year. and it's been like that for 5 years. but we are not going this year. we don't want to tempt fate.
аватар Kasja23
You are wrong about the Egyptian guards. There the Mursists attacked the museum, so the guards defended it to the last and died. I think such people should have a monument erected in a restored museum.
But, I think, it will not come to an armed attack on bodies
Especially in Sharm. No one will saw the branch on which he sits. Only those who serve tourists live and work there. They need to feed their families.
аватар Kasja23
You are wrong about the Egyptian guards. There the Mursists attacked the museum, so the guards defended it to the last and died. I think such people should have a monument erected in a restored museum.
But, I think, it will not come to an armed attack on bodies
Especially in Sharm. No one will saw the branch on which he sits. Only those who serve tourists live and work there. They need to feed their families.
аватар Oleksii64
koroshchenko - I agree 100%. You can go, but be aware of the risks. The situation is NOW, this is not the situation in 10 minutes. Stories about security and golden eggs are bullshit. The eggs are alien (military) and there may be forces that sleep and see how to cut off these eggs, or, sorry, whose there they are, kill someone else's chicken that lays these eggs. They shot the guards at the museum ... will it calm you down if they shoot the hotel guards and then put up a monument to them? Let's not go into obscure African realities. Remember the history of your native country since the year 1917 - did you guard a lot? Dark and negative, I agree. But the question "how is it now" is understandable, but absolutely useless. I repeat: You can go, but being aware of the risks.
аватар Altus
And a hotel is a place where about 100-1000 people (50-500 rooms) live. Each safe contains at least 1t dollars, i.e. at least 50,000-500,000t dollars + ladies' jewelry + expensive equipment (laptops, iPhones, tablets). From protection - one policeman sleeping near a door. Why don't the poor Bedouins, who have a lot of AKMs in their hands not even for ideological, but for mercantile purposes, in the conditions of disorder in the country not attack and pinch rich tourists? And you can knock someone down for the idea, pour out anger on your fate. A very real option. Or grab a bus with tourists or from a hotel and into the mountains, the desert, and demand a ransom (such incidents were in the past, even during the stable hard regime of Mubarak).
I am writing, but I myself want to go to Egypt, I have been going there 2-3 times a year for the last 5 years. It would be faster if these Muslim brothers were calmed down and forever, preferably.
аватар Kasja23
Because the top of the Bedouins in the share of the tourism business.
And in their clans, the word of the head is the law. Therefore, the Bedouins
organized as the nomads of Genghis Khan, will not go to rob hotels.
Otherwise, they will have an ax head from their own. And Mursists in SHESh will not miss the cordon.
аватар AlexL
On the first day, be sure to purchase akm from the Bedouins.
аватар elenianka1
Just yesterday we returned from Hurghada, the revolution was already there, everyone was watching on TV, if it weren’t for TV, they wouldn’t even know anything, because in principle everything was calm ... but if I were you, I would refuse to travel ... People write correctly, now it’s calm, but tomorrow you’ll grab your head and regret it ... This is roulette: you’re lucky - you’re not lucky. They are evil, especially those who are uneducated. They don't care at all. And if the army could not protect its churches, it is not a fact that hundreds of thousands of tourists can be protected !!! We found ourselves in such a situation that before leaving (three days before) there was information about the hotel that it was being closed (I'm not talking about your hotel, we rested in another one) So here they are roaring - all the staff! There will be no more work if they start closing hotels ... and then already this uneducated staff can go to extreme measures ... and what comes into their heads - no one knows! The person roared, they personally saw ... No more work, you need to feed your family !!! So it's better not to take risks)))
аватар Altus
With akm I would feel calmer)) Mursists shaft and in the Sheikh. Was in May 2012, shortly before the election of their pres. The whole Charm was hung with his portraits, spoke with many sellers in the old market and in the naama, and his portrait hung in almost every shop, and every seller praised him and said that they were for him. Even the hotel guide from Turtesse, from whom he then flew to Yegi, was a Muslim brother. So the opinion that the brothers are only in Cairo, and the troops will not let them into the resort towns is wrong. There are enough locals.
Altus did not hang in every shop a Mursi portrait, since the votes for the candidates were almost equally divided. A vote of no confidence in the authorities can and is expressed all over the world. After a year of Mursi's rule, the country became even worse and he was reminded of the words that if he could not cope and he was "asked" he would immediately leave the post. What he promised people and what he did is diametrically opposed. He needed to be wiser and not replace the entire apparatus that was in power (albeit not the best, but having experience) with people who had just come to control. He riveted his boat himself, and went to the bottom himself. The question is that I don’t want to give a piece of the pie to the authorities, and his words when leaving that I will drown the country in blood came out sideways to him.
I agree with Alexsia that the risks should be assessed by the tourist himself. But my right to convey my information too.
Those who work in Sharm depend on tourists, and they clearly understand what this threatens them with.
He is a terrorist and a terrorist in America.
by the way, AlexL, get it from a Bedouin and then sit for 20 years like that. this Bedouin will betray you))))))))))))
аватар Altus
Orbittours, please tell us about the legislation in Yegi regarding firearms. This is not for seniors. Just wondering. I once read that the owner of a store in Cairo used a machine gun to shoot pyrotechnics dealers who stood in front of his store. I read comments about how the people with weapons in their hands guarded their stores in the first revolution.
not quite guarded with weapons. I have a friend who lives in Cairo and is married to an Egyptian, and in the first revolution they organized the protection of their own street. appointed duty and stood with sticks and bats. Of course, a lot of riff-raff came out in Cairo then (after all, there was no police then, no army), they even caught marauders and then handed them over. for weapons, even in those days, if they were caught and there was no permission, then a prison. Why are the Muslim brothers now in such fear, because they found a lot of weapons after the liberation of the square and a lot of evidence of how they shoot from homemade and simple weapons. recently one of the leaders of the brothers was caught and he swears that if he knew that there were weapons on the square, he would have left the square. this is a very big punishment. Once again, terrorists are terrorists everywhere, be it Moscow or America. They have their own interests and they stop at nothing. Islam does not take such measures, what they do is against religion. you remember the sensational story when a Russian was imprisoned for a long time because of a weapon found on him. here it is very strict with this, but unfortunately Hamaz and other groups are not asleep anywhere. . . . . . . .
as in any country, you will certainly find underground weapons here, but to openly put them on display is to sign a sentence for yourself. no sane person would do that. fanatics is a separate issue. watch the video carefully, there were mainly stones, knives, bottled gasoline during the revolution. There weren't many weapons.
now, even though the Muslim brothers were shouting that we only had sticks, what was found would contradict their intentions to peacefully resolve the issue.
аватар Tatjana_M
"The Egyptians will not cut the branch they sit on..." Egypt has already lost hundreds of millions of dollars on tourism. However, they continue to cut this branch. And we, the Slavs (as usual) are not afraid of anything and do not take care. Yes, if all the tourists refused to go - then, perhaps, the government would have calmed down these "brothers". And we ask, we go and we take the children ...
аватар Ojasminelle
According to information from trusted sources (that is, from Sharm directly): the city is really calm, and the Sinai Peninsula is actually guarded (as they wrote here earlier - all the entrances to it). Egypt continues to fight FOR tourists (and not against them), so in my opinion you can go to Sharm, especially since, unlike Hurghada, this is not a residential city, but a purely tourist one. There is a lot of panic in the media now (it's like bread for journalists), so the guys who work in Sharm have created a Facebook page (though it's in English), where they write about the situation in the city:
аватар Ojasminelle
Here is the answer from the Minister of Tourism of Egypt, August 22, 2013:
(True, in English, so the statement is directed to a wide audience). Please share the link - it's important!
аватар anastasiya_fin
Good afternoon everyone! We have just returned with my husband from Sharm.
We rested at the Rixos hotel for 10 nights! Emotions cannot be conveyed. As for the situation, I advise you not to believe TV because everything is calm in Sharm, we even walked around the city at night.
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