Question about hotel Albatros Aqua Blu Resort 4*

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Are the guests of the water park annoying?
We are traveling with children aged 7 and 11. They love to ride down the hills. Are there excursions to the water park every day, the period of arrival of guests from ... to ... approximately hours, are there queues for slides, behind the circles, are there enough sun loungers, umbrellas?
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4 subscribers  • asked 2011-06-1314 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар aisha_sharm
Now in Sharm, in all hotels, the occupancy is on average 30% - (approximately) Yesterday I was on Albatross Beach in the daytime, and in the evening there are enough sun loungers and umbrellas. There are even empty ones. The water park itself as an excursion is open for guests of other hotels from 10-00 until 18-00 daily, but I repeat there are not so many tourists in the city.
аватар hendo7
I went to this hotel 2 times with a friend. EVERYTHING IS EXCELLENT. GUESTS OF THE WATER PARK DO NOT STRESS.
аватар nadin65
The hotels are now half full.
There are not so many guests in the water park.
Due to the small number of tourists, not all slides work. Let's say a couple of hours are turned on, then others alternate. Where more people want to, they turn on the water.
аватар Kunnina
There are many slides, so the people are not very visible. Guests usually until 15.00. Then you can ride without guests until 17.00.
аватар xomyak
I was at the hotel when there were a lot of tourists, the hotel was full, but people from the excursion didn’t bother us at all, well, you stand in line for a minute and that’s a rarity, well, there are 2-3 people in front of you, but you’re on vacation, there’s no hurry. enough, we went there in the afternoon, after lunch and before the slides closed.
аватар cherry_coke
Were two years ago when the hotel was full. The guests did not strain so much that I didn’t even pay much attention to them.
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