Напрягают ли гости аквапарка?
Are the guests of the water park annoying?
Едем с детьми 7 и 11 лет. Любят кататься с горок. В каждый ли день экскурсии в аквапарк, период прибывания гостей с... до... часов ориентировочно, есть ли очереди на горки, за кругами, хватает ли шезлонгов, зонтиков?
We are traveling with children aged 7 and 11. They love to ride down the hills. Are there excursions to the water park every day, the period of arrival of guests from ... to ... approximately hours, are there queues for slides, behind the circles, are there enough sun loungers, umbrellas?
4 subscribers •
2011-06-1314 years ago