Vacation was a success!

Written: 6 july 2016
Travel time: 18 june — 2 july 2016
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For business travel; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 9.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 10.0
The review was written by my wife Victoria (I fully confirm).
Vacation was a success! Price and quality match. We rested from June 18 to July 2.2016. In Egypt, not the first time, so there was something to compare. But this is the first time I'm writing a review. But I read them myself regularly, for which many thanks to all who write. It helps a lot, especially when considering a new place or hotel. We went to this hotel on the recommendation of our friends. They were also very worried, because they knew that there was a crisis in Sharm, and there were few tourists, and in general...
The Grand Oasis is located in Soho, close to the airport, and we were the first to be brought to the hotel. We drove for about 15 minutes. We were at the hotel at 22.30 local time. As soon as they filled out the questionnaires, they put on bracelets, immediately gave out the keys to the room and were invited to a late dinner in a restaurant, which is not practiced in all hotels. Since there is no longer food on the plane, and we did not expect this, this dinner was a pleasant gift. While we ate, our suitcases were already brought into the room. And there another surprise awaited us, a compliment from the hotel in the form of fruit. The room was spacious, someone wrote that the furniture was old. Of course, it is not new, but it is very solid and well-groomed, but what do you want to change all the furniture every time we arrive? Everything worked in the room: plumbing, TV, air conditioning.

The view from the window is excellent and the sea and the garden. And in the morning we saw our beach and the sea. The beach is terraced. The shower is a bit high from the sea, but very comfortable - 8 pcs. There is a wall of corals in the sea, and there are also separate reefs, even live corals come across. Napoleonic fish sailed to us constantly. Moray eels live nearby. We also watched them. If you walk early in the morning by 6 or at lunchtime, you can see an eagle stingray and even dolphins. And all the other fish, like everywhere else, made us happy every time they just lowered their heads in a mask into the sea.
The territory of the hotel is very green and well-groomed. These employees of the green part of the hotel are always rummaging around in the greenery and even in the very heat, as it was 47 degrees, and he sits on the grass like a "green grasshopper" and painstakingly nibbles. The entire territory is watered both manually and by automatic watering. Very green and full of flowers. The road to the sea is about 5 minutes, passes unnoticed. Since now the crisis is not only with us, only the main building is working, which is further from the sea, but closer to the restaurant (lunch, breakfast, dinner), and you can go through the corridors, bypassing the heat. The food is typical for Egypt. Fruits and vegetables of the season. Grapes, oranges, dates, melon, apples, bananas, watermelons, grapefruits. Yoghurts 3 types, honey, jam for breakfast. It was important for us, we really love these Egyptian yogurts. And the whole usual breakfast set... For lunch and dinner, there was always chicken, beef, often lamb, fish, sometimes liver and tongue, i. e. dishes from them. In short, there was always a choice of what to eat, and if something ended, then it was replenished. Some meat dishes were given out in portions, but if someone asked, they no longer refused. There were not as many sweets as we used to see them, but somehow there was always something to eat. In addition, there are snacks in bars: french fries, a sandwich, something else (not everyone saw it, since there was enough food in the restaurant and we only had a bite to eat a couple of times).
Animation, yes. The guys are professional and very nice in themselves. The kids adored them. They lured and entertained everyone, both old and small and mediocre. Morning exercises, darts, aqua aerobics, water polo, yoga, evening football, and after dinner all sorts of shows.
Excursions this time did not interest us, since we are experienced tourists in Egypt and have already been on almost all excursions and more than once, and it was hot. During this holiday we did not go anywhere. But our acquaintances went to some, and thus we know a little about them. Usually we used the services of street agencies, but they were verified or based on reviews. Much cheaper, but the program is the same.

On our beach there is Michael, Michael (Egyptian, speaking Russian too) in the San Marino Diving Center. It has many excursions and is cheaper than Anex. So for those who can not sit still, it may well provide leisure. But, apart from Israel, they have a special competition for this.
Anex, as always, scares me that they need to register all our travels within 24 hours. And then we are "kapets" Do not be fooled, in general you can not even come to this meeting with a guide. At the end of your tour, you are required to be taken out of the hotel without any registration invented by them. And excursions are their bread, so you yourself understand... There are no complaints about the transfer guides of the anex. They delivered, they took away, everything was on time.
The entire civilization of Soho is 5 minutes from the hotel. The most important thing is singing color-musical fountains, a stage with performances, various boutiques. And an alley with cute figures made of some kind of metal, near which everyone takes pictures. All in all, it's pretty cute. And what is no less important, there are several free, very decent toilets on this street. In the old market, for example, they are not.
About cleaning the rooms, I read everything in the reviews. But we were cleaned well, towels were changed every day, water was given not only upon arrival, but every day. Which is a rarity for a 4 **** hotel (and you didn’t have to quietly steal water from the cooler into your bottle, as happens in many fours in Sharm). Those who have traveled before will understand what I'm talking about. Shampoos and shower gel (small bottles are also a plus for the four), soap and toilet paper were always replenished as needed. The figurines were also sometimes twirled. We left a dollar each in about a day. They have low salaries. It’s not easy for us either, but we are on vacation, and they are at work.

And we are also very grateful to Madame Dina. At first, we thought she was just a gestrelation. It turned out differently. The staff obeys her, and she really helps tourists. She, it seemed to me, is the "soul of the hotel" Upon our arrival, we had problems. She helped solve them. And as we later learned, not only ours. She tries to help everyone who turns to her. Guests respect her. And we just fell in love with her during these 14 days.
If you have an early flight from the hotel, and you do not have time for breakfast, you will be provided with a dry ration in a very cool fabric bag. The food there is rather weak, but the attention pleases.
If the flight is late, then after 12 o'clock the bracelets are not cut off, and you can use all the services of the hotel, in particular the bars and the restaurant. This is a big plus for the hotel. When we flew away, at the airport we talked with one of our tourists, who was vacationing with a child in the famous five in Ras Um Sid (I will not name the hotel), and so her bracelets were cut off at 12:00 and they were not allowed to have lunch.
Another important detail that scared us personally was the close location of the airport. So, of course, the planes flew, but we did not notice them and did not hear them at all.
We do not like to go to the same place, but we would return to this hotel. We sincerely hope that this will be the case.
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