The information about the hotel (from Pegasus, who bought it) says which categories of rooms are located on which floors. Standard - from 0 to 3. And with a view of the pool and the sea - 1 and 2 floors. We wanted to immediately book a room with a view of the pool and the sea, but at the same time we want to live on the top floor. As I saw in the photo, there are 4-storey blocks in the buildings, where on the 4th floor the balconies differ from those below. I know that the 4th floor in our opinion is the floor number 3 in Egyptian. What happens if we pay for a view of the pools and the sea, we will not be able to settle on the 4th floor? Maybe there are some suites there? Or is this information (about rooms with a view and floor options) not true?
14 years ago
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