Question about hotel Albatros Citadel Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5*

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Kids club question
The question is. Is it possible to leave a child (8 years old) in the club if you are going on an excursion, i.e. staff supervision? I'm afraid to take with me on a safari. I have never used the services of children's clubs, I have no idea what is there and how.
In the photographs I see that many people are traveling with children and even younger ones, but this is not the case with us.
And will it be free?
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4 subscribers  • asked 2012-10-0512 years ago
Answers  •  13
аватар sandra-art
The kids club is open on schedule. Each hotel has its own schedule. so leaving the child for the whole day on the animators will not work.
there should be a babysitting service on request. It's not free. here you can leave the child
аватар Revekka
Thank you. How much would it cost, can anyone tell me?
аватар vikyliki
It’s better not to take a child on a safari, you’re right, it’s dangerous. My 16-year-old daughter fell off an ATV, got off with deep scratches and a concussion, thank God the guide, according to our insurance, took her to the hospital and they helped.
аватар Viltis
Revekka, may I ask you: what happens if you don't go on safari? Will you stay and spend the day with your child?
аватар AdelinaR
Why don't you want to take your child with you? My daughter really liked both the jeep safari (at 8 years old) and the moto safari (at 10 years old). Excursions are not tiring and interesting. If this is a motorcycle safari, the child is put on one quadric with the parent. 8 years old is not 3 years old.
аватар Revekka
Viltis, if we don't go on safari, nothing will happen. And nothing will even happen if we sit at home instead of going to Egypt, on the couch by the TV.
AdelinaR, we want, but we are afraid that the trip will not bring pleasure to him or others. Especially when he gets sand in his eyes. All children are different.
аватар Revekka
In general, I am amused by the already established tradition, when they ask one thing and answer another, and certainly with an educational bias.
My dears, if I wait for my children to grow up so that I can safely ride a quad bike or a camel, then I'm afraid I'll be at an age when they won't raise me on a camel.))
аватар AdelinaR
What are you??? Arafatka on the head, glasses on the nose, VOOO GENERALLY sand does not fly (I'm serious). Take him to please (if he is a normal child), for example, not disabled, or with limited abilities (I'm not kidding), but I sincerely advise you to take a child. In the Bedouin village there is a mini zoo, a mini terrarium, they bake a cake on "camel poop" :) and immediately give it a hot one to try. I myself saw jerboas there for the first time in my life (neighing at them), they were too funny, we saw steppe chanterelles GOOD LITTLE little like pussies, only chanterelles :) Think and take it with you, I think you won’t regret it
аватар AdelinaR
"that the trip will not bring pleasure to him or others." And about those around you, about whom you had in mind, did you come to rest to please and please others?
аватар Revekka
AdelinaR, do not please others, but respect. I believe that all the negativity towards children in hotels comes from the fact that people spit on others, do not watch the children, having fun themselves to the fullest, and do not instill in them a culture of relaxation from childhood. Those who rest nearby are the same people, they do not need our children, they may have left their own to rest.
If I think about leaving the child to a nanny, then he is already a second-grader and quite adequate, but we must provide him with elementary supervision, timely lunch and rest.
I also do not like it when other people's children scream near me on ultrasound. And I try to educate my own in respect for others. These are my problems if I have spoiled or hectic children, not theirs.
It’s not that I’m afraid to take on a safari, he just won’t like it, he’s of a different warehouse, even though he’s a boy. Maybe turn on the "alarm" and then hide everyone. I will definitely take it to Luxor.
аватар AdelinaR
From your explanation, I realized that your child, to put it mildly, is not calm if you are so worried about him "These are my problems if I have spoiled or hectic children, not theirs." - Your words . This is where "spoiled and hectic" had to start. My daughter traveled all the excursions from the age of 6 to 13 (In Egypt) And I liked everything and didn’t bother anyone. THOSE. we conclude that I have a well-mannered and adequate child, who can be taken everywhere, the culture of recreation is instilled. (By the way, I am also a normal person and respect the rest of others) And if you are so afraid and resist taking your ......????? Do as you see fit. Good luck and have a good rest.
аватар Viltis
In general, I am amused by the already established tradition, when they ask one thing and answer another, and certainly with an educational bias.
My dears, if I wait for my children to grow up so that I can safely ride a quad bike or a camel, then I'm afraid I'll be at an age when they won't raise me on a camel.))
I think that you have already had enough and ride and rest. In general, I believe that after the birth of a child, a mother is simply obliged to think about the child, and not about herself. And not to leave your son in a foreign country alone for the whole day with strangers.
I am not amused but horrified by such questions on the forums. Well, if they are voiced by girls of 20 years old, this is still forgivable. But mature women who have lived their lives... I don't understand.
аватар Revekka
"In general, I believe that after the birth of a child, the mother is simply obliged to think about the child, and not about herself."
You suffer from globalism of thinking.
May God grant you to think about children as much as I think about them. Given that I have four of them and three have already grown safely.
Can I still ride a camel once?
"Do as you see fit"
Thank you very much for allowing. That's exactly why I wrote here.
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