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will there be any problems at passport control?
Who knows, tell me: I was abroad with my maiden name, and I changed my Russian passport in November 09, will there be any problems at passport control?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
7 subscribers  • asked 2010-04-1315 years ago
Answers  •  9
аватар yulyashka
I had the same situation. Don't worry, they only look at the passport at the control.
аватар HAVE_REST
To Egypt, Turkey and similar countries - no problem.
But if you want to open the Schengen - then there will be problems. More precisely, if you did not change your passport within six months, as you changed your last name, then it becomes invalid, and this is easy to check by picking up two passports.
With Egypt, this happens, with Schengen, no.
No one is interested in changing your last name or not, but in reality your passport is not valid
gg, simultaneously unsubscribed.
аватар hessen
Why would you take an internal Russian passport with you to Egypt?
аватар miki08
Advice, when you go abroad where they require a foreign passport, never take an internal one, in case of loss of documents, you simply won’t have any problems.
аватар Anetka-gan
show your internal passport less - there will be fewer problems))) they don’t really care if you are wanted under the old surname.
аватар mashunya_16936
Thank you) I just heard that they have a certain base, which they compare, that's why I'm interested in who flew. And we are planning a vacation in Egypt.
аватар anbendas
Arabs don't care what your last name is, they look more at how often you visit the US and Israel. Those who had a service passport know how often they have to be changed for this reason, but their surname does not interest them.
The border guards have lists of persons non grata and that's it, they don't have any other databases.
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