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Related question «Hotel selection»
Coral Sea Holiday Resort & Aqua Park 5* or Royal Albatros Moderna 5*?
Help me decide. We are going to Egypt in October with two children - 13 and 6 years old. Booked a ticket to the Royal Albatross (prepaid). Friends are lured to Coral Sea Holiday (their acquaintances from there send videos with sushi, shrimp and rave reviews). Which hotel is the best one?
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10 subscribers  • asked 2019-08-196 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар Vika284
in october with two children both hotels Coral Sea and Royal Albatros Moderna are not suitable because hotels in Nabq
аватар Juliya_Dolganuk
Do you mean wind? It's not the season yet .. we gathered in the first days
аватар Vika284
Juliya_Dolganuk wind and currents, the wind is always in Nabq, in summer it is even wonderfully refreshing
аватар klichko
The time is excellent even for Nabka. "Familiar friends" from the OBS series. Sushi in Egi is nothing, shrimp may run out, and the sea will not appear in the holiday. Albatross is more reliable and children will be better off there. Relax, you did everything right
аватар vezha2
Hotels with long pontoons, which is not very convenient for small children - there is simply no sandy entry into the sea for them, and walking along the reef is of little interest to children. It remains to choose a hotel with a good water park and a swimming pool (if you finally choose Nabq)
аватар luda30012007
My friend has been going to Coral Sea for three years in a row (with a child of 12 years old, really), it’s true that it’s a long pontoon, but there are also slides there! She is crazy about this hotel, especially the food, the bungalow rooms, the grounds are gorgeous, the pools.! But if you go with a company, it's always more fun! We've been driving for a very long time! Lure them to Coral Sea
аватар Tigrusya
Not always in Nabq there is nowhere for children to splash around. Were once in Sea life (Charmillion life) - there on the Sea Club beach it was quite waist-deep and neck-deep for an adult. We were at the end of November - the heat was incredible, it was comfortable to enter and exit the water.
аватар Tigrusya
And they were in Rehana, also in Nabq - that's where the sea was knee-deep at best and the wind blew away - she constantly went with a cold. It's already at the end of December. But maybe the depth depends on the tides. Yes, it was many years ago
аватар Julia_16072010
Is there seafood in Albatross?
аватар magazin_new
October-Nabk-Children?! Are you flying to Egypt for the first time?! The tides are huge in this area. The wind is 5 out of 5. Well, if you like the pool and food, then yes, but still you are flying to the sea, so Naama and Hadaba areas are for children.
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