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Will tours to Egypt be cheaper this year?
Will tours to Egypt be cheaper this year?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
19 subscribers  • asked 2018-10-236 years ago
Answers  •  44
аватар lazy_person
No. If you are talking about 2019... tours will be more expensive. The direction "Turkey" assumes in 2019 an increase in the price of tours by 20..25% to this country, which means that Egypt will be more in demand.
аватар klichko
So, winter has already been cancelled? Here the stream of hot lovers subsides and will take on the walruses. The question is when will they start dropping. But judging by the active sales and a stop on many hotels in November, prices will be kept until they stop (beginning of December)
аватар klichko
"Turkey" assumes in 2019 an increase in the price of tours by 20..25% to this country, which means that Egypt will be more in demand
Who suggests such nonsense? And with what fright will the failure of the lira inflate prices in foreign currency? Rather, on the contrary. Another thing was the active stuffing of the 100th opening of the egi for the Russians. THAT at the next low start and the price tag for egi froze. This too shall pass
аватар semolaine
This "nonsense" is suggested by the Turks themselves. Just the other day I read an interview with Turkish operators and they clearly said that in the wake of a super successful season, they plan to raise prices by up to 30 percent. To compensate for past losses. And the failure of the lira has nothing to do with it, the Turks know how to recalculate prices in the direction they need. Although this is not on the topic of the question on Egypt, but by the way
аватар klichko
This "nonsense" is suggested by the Turks themselves
))) Who would doubt that
It would be nice to compensate for the failures in the economy with a stupid rise in prices, but agreements are a disastrous business. One was dreaming, and the other did things for him. We convinced that it is useful for the Turks to dream. Many are already ready to row patamush, the current will rise in price #
аватар semolaine
I see that you want to carry all kinds of garbage from idleness, just not to get bored, although not on the topic. Read the questions in the title carefully and answer to the point. Of course, if there is something to answer
аватар klichko
The title was broken by the first post, and you exacerbated the Turkish nonsense.
Come on, you keep dreaming, but I won't tell you where to go.
аватар ollennka
In our world, only honor and conscience are getting cheaper.))) And sometimes oil.
аватар ro_ko_2018
today I was at the TUI agency, they went 4 times to Egypt with them, they let me down 1 time with a flight delay of 2 hours from Hurghada, there is no particular distrust of them.
we want to go to the Albatros Aqua Blue hotel before the new year. So, they told me that GOOD hotels will not get cheaper - such as Albatross, Sunrise, Rixos, Tamra
(named some of those listed in TA). ON THE VERSE - only for 100-200-cu. rise in price, because Turkish operators have been raising prices since the 2019 season. And Egypt does not want to raise prices yet, but will not lower them either.
puzzles can form for cheap hotels - unoccupied hotels, charters. unclaimed hotels - for a small area, food, beach, location - they can be bought CHEAPER at a burning price 2-3 days before departure, BUT for 1-2 people, not a family one for 3-4 people. for example, we took an albatross for 8 nights-9 days for 39,600 hryvnias, days of departure and arrival are not lost, and my friend took 18,500 to hurghada, although I told her that it’s better to relax in sharm in winter, because there are no winds in certain bays.
I think it's better to pay more and not regret the money spent and ruined vacation. BUT!!!! how many people, so many opinions):
аватар ro_ko_2018
add: we took
and the Red Sea)) what is the goal - such is the price for it
аватар ro_ko_2018
half of the augmented disappeared))
we took a family one for 2 adults + a child, a cool water park was a prerequisite, and she took it for 2 - just to look at the red sea) what is the goal - this is the fee for it
аватар lazy_person
Here wise men write about "nonsense". Well, remember the 2018 season. The Turkish lira is falling, and the prices (USD. Eq.) for tours are growing. They held out until the end of the season... It can be seen how the direction in Egypt has revived. Citizens rushed there instead of Turkey. You can even see it on this site.
The forecast about a rise in the price of tours to Turkey by 20..25% in 2019, which is increasingly common in the media, is likely to be confirmed.
аватар YanaKaramel
As in every year, it’s not worth waiting for adequate prices before the school holidays (they are from Monday), as an option, November-December will drop a little, we’ll wait)
аватар klichko
"In our world, only honor and conscience are getting cheaper.))) And sometimes oil"
Beautifully said, but you can’t buy it, unlike tours. We went to Egypt at unprecedented prices for October. In recent years, I take cheaper than eight years ago. And why? And because the pound has fallen, the hotel rack has fallen in price capitally. Everything else is from the evil one (THAT). Nothing personal just business (c) You correctly noticed that the holidays + the market turned out of Turkish, but there will be a fall. With oil, the same eggs, only the scheme is more complicated. The prices are speculative, the market is overheated, the bargains rule while it's profitable for Uncle Sam. But oil is inevitable
"Well, remember the 2018 season."
Well, finally, so it was a typical paddock. Prices were driven up by the pent-up demand of the Russians, because our Crimean went through the forest, but the egi did not return, and everyone, with a wild clatter, was driven to an uncontested watering place. Ukraine scored the remnants of the boards with the victims. THAT has been gained, tourists have lost. A typical reindeer drive, a rollback is inevitable. The more you inflate the bubble, the louder it will burst
World markets are overheated as never before and the crisis will break out soon. Everything will be free, but there will be no money. Many will deeply regret that they were led to only rise in price. But the crowd always loses
аватар Shev37
They won't get cheaper. Nowhere is cheaper. And God forbid the Russians fly to Sharm .....
аватар ziskin
What happened last year in December, an anomaly?
аватар Wiland
To talk about cheap tours, you need to know their specifics. 1 Axiom Hotels have a "season" where they raise prices for everyone, including tour operators (TO), everyone has different ways, but in December the "season" ended for everyone, it's not a fact that "winter" has come and the heating is turned on pools. The main component of the price is an air flight, which happens to be "burning" and only !!!. For example, a hotel costs $400 + $500 for a week for 2 sides for two. Total $900 base price for two. A "burning" ticket is a hotel that will not move and will cost the same 400 dollars for MOT (for mere mortals, all 800) + airfare, if they are completely sad, then 50 dollars round trip for two. Total 450 for two. But at first it costs 800(400+400), then 700(400+300), 500(400+100). The price per day can change up to 5 times a day!!! Watch your seats on the plane and you won't go wrong. From my personal experience, the cheapest tours start from December 4 to December 20 (there is no year for a year), I rested cheaply from 5-15 and from 20-30, for the New Year the prices are naturally space and for children's holidays + - a week also
аватар Wiland
And tours to Egypt have already fallen in price in December. Early bookings are already offered at 700 / for two, with a base of 900, a "burning" plane will be offered at 500, it all depends on the traffic of tourists. Seize the moments. I advise very convenient filters, there is a tour ID, according to which the travel agency can instantly book
аватар kryukovskaya
Tours for December and January have already risen in price! August and September had great prices. Now wait for hot tours. And if the flight is not from the capital, then there may not be any seats on the plane at all.
аватар kkk1204
I think there is an agreement with the tour operators. On transfer buses in Egypt, the main advertising is Teza, Anex, and earlier ...
Last year, from Kharkov, the season opened somewhere around this time. There were 1-2, 2-3, and on weekends up to 4-5 flights per *DAY*. Now - this is 2 flights from Teza and Anex and 5 Gion per *WEEK*. In this (previously not) there were summer flights only from Join - they did not fly empty.
What is 2 flights per week (+/-400 people) for Kharkiv with its population?
Prices from Kyiv are always cheaper than from other cities, although from the Dnieper, Zaporozhye closer to Egypt and Kiev planes fly over these cities. The transportation market is moronic, a monopoly.
This year, to predict something at prices ... we'll see.
аватар Alex714
Come on, how much I fly at the beginning of December, prices always sink down, because don’t say it, but in relatively cool water (21-24 degrees) under gusts of wind and short daylight hours + we add that most hotels of the "middle hand" do not include pool heating there are not very many people who want to fly, the winter peak in prices is the New Year, so there is hope, we want to fly with a male company to dive this December, we invested 300 USD in the budget. from the nose to a normal 4ku (slag hotels are already cheaper or super hot), and then we'll see, the prices are already slowly sinking.
аватар ziskin
Well, until the prices "sag", that's why I asked the question.
аватар Wiland
And for 1.5 months they won’t sag, only burning ones for a week or during a week, it happens on Mon from 18:00-19:00, the cheapest with a flight on Sat
аватар ziskin
Thank you, I never noticed that: on Mon from 18:00-19:00, the cheapest flights depart on Sat
аватар Wiland
TO (tour operators), like TA (travel agencies), start working from 10:00 and set the base price, then by 12:00 they spend a little 50 dollars, by 16:00 a little more, from 18:00-18:30 more - 100 dollars. The next day in the morning again the base price is +200 dollars from the evening one. If you have chosen a hotel, and preferably a couple of three, refresh the pages in your browser every 1-1.5 hours and see how prices change, you can press F5, It is better to start watching 2-3 weeks before the trip
аватар Nusia
Our travel agent, regarding the reduction in prices for Egypt, sent the following in the mailing list of tours:
аватар ziskin
Links "bans", as I understand it, your TO said: "do not wait"?
аватар Nusia
I didn’t link, but attached a screenshot photo, if it’s not visible, then I’ll write the copied text: IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT!
Dear tourists!!!!
from 12/15/2018, RUSSIANS begin to fly to Egypt (they have not flown for more than two years, which is why there were often last-minute tours)
Therefore, we book EGYPT until prices skyrocket (ohno)
аватар lazy_person
Now, if this comes true (picture from Nusia) and the Russian Federation launches charters to Egypt, then this will somehow improve the situation in Turkey. The Turks, elated by the success of the 2018 season, will then have to think about a 20% price gouging. The "opening" of resorts in Egypt for charters from the Russian Federation will certainly affect the prices of tours to Egypt. That's why I don't think it's "nonsense".
Prices will go up...
аватар Wiland
From Moscow and St. Petersburg, they have been flying through Cairo for a long time since 02/01/2018, in Sharm, a separate terminal was built specifically for the Russians. And from 12/15/2018, it’s still written on the water, and travel agencies (TA) and tour operators (TO) are interested in selling early bookings than "burning", because with early TA they get up to 13% rollback, and when the burning promo is up to 5%
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