Что с ценами? Хотели брать вылет в диапазоне 11-13 . 08, на 6-7 ночей , 700$ на двоих. Уже ехали брать, и цены прыгнули больше чем на 100$, при чем за последние 2 недели только растут
What about the prices? They wanted to take a flight in the range of 11-13. 08, for 6-7 nights, $700 for two. We were already going to take it, and prices jumped by more than $ 100, and over the past 2 weeks they have only been growing
What about the prices? They wanted to take a flight in the range of 11-13. 08, for 6-7 nights, $700 for two. We were already going to take it, and prices jumped by more than $ 100, and over the past 2 weeks they have only been growing
7 subscribers •
2018-08-087 years ago