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How hot is July in Egypt?
The topic is the whole point of the question. Is it possible to go to Egypt in early July? I understand that it is hot, but there is an opinion that due to the fact that the climate is drier, it is easier to tolerate than Turkey.
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26 subscribers  • asked 2018-06-207 years ago
Answers  •  28
аватар Vika284
Very hot in Egypt in July
In Turkey, there are regions where the heat is not felt so much and the climate is very comfortable, unlike the Antalya coast
Fethiye, Marmaris, Bodrum, Kusadasi and Izmir
аватар Serega-Kazan
Very hot, but dry ..))) The earth is so hot that you can’t walk on the sand without slippers, you immediately burn. This also applies to other surfaces, benches, etc. In general, you can relax. the sea is very warm. The cream needs at least 50 units. from sunburn. Swim and swim only in a T-shirt or other clothing.
аватар balaisis
Some people are hot, while others are "already warm enough to be comfortable" ... Due to the low relative humidity of the air (meaning vacation by the sea, not on a ship on the Nile), the high temperature is comfortable even for obese people. You should only be afraid of a long stay in direct rays (in July from about 10 am to 4 pm) without a hat. The air temperature in the summer months in Hurghada, Safaga and Marsa El Alam is already the same. From personal reusable experience of rest from mid-June to the first decade of August in the mentioned resorts, the usual temperature during the day is 41-43 degrees. During peak hours from 12:30 to 15:30 it rises to 45-46. The lowest - in the morning from 5 to 6:30, "cold" right up to 26-28.
аватар bodic1996
Heat is well tolerated, especially if you like heat. We didn’t even go to the room after dinner, but on the beach, however, we hid under umbrellas. But the sun is very hot. We swam in T-shirts in the sea, but clothes are not allowed in the pool, so our boys' shoulders were very burned. In general, you burn out during the time you get from the restaurant to the beach, so take care of the appropriate clothing, light but closed. I do not recommend walking in a T-shirt.
аватар sveta-d2008
+40 is hot. But there is always water nearby (pools, the sea), it is well tolerated - just constantly in the water or in an air-conditioned room. Swim, really in T-shirts (it's a must) and sunscreen. Headgear is also required, even in the water. We were allowed to be in clothes in the pools and on the slides (they themselves understand that there is no other way). Then you walk in this wet T-shirt around the territory and it's not so hot anymore :) We even went to Luxor (mid-June), it's hot, very hot, but we endured normally (without headaches, burns, fainting). But probably, if +25 is already unrealistic for you, then it may not be easy. In any case, heat is always easier to bear near water.
аватар Wiland
I don't think there is much to do in July. It was already hot in mid-April, At 11:00 in the morning I had to leave the beach, it was hot + all night only with air conditioning. The water was +25, near the shore under +30. I think that the season in Egypt is November-March. I have been in December and February. If the bay, there is no wind and currents, then the water is excellent +23
аватар Alex714
I think it all depends on the body and how comfortable it will be in the heat. Personally, it’s hot for me already in April, and I consider it comfortable to stay in late November-early December, it’s not so hot and you can travel on excursions (for example, in Luxor in early December it was +40 , I can’t imagine how to go there in the summer). And my wife, on the contrary, likes April-May more, the sea is already warm for her (in the late autumn - winter, the sea is cold for her). So - at her discretion.
Got a question:
It's strange why they weren't allowed into the pool in T-shirts? Just out of curiosity, if you look at Arab women, they walk around the hotel in their "shrouds" all day, and then in this outfit they climb into the general, and more often into the children's pool, this is in the order of things, and our tourist is in a clean T-shirt can't swim? So thinking out loud.
аватар nat111111
thanks everyone for the replies and advice
аватар lazy_person
Already today NIGHT (mid-June) in Sharm el-Sheikh it was 34 degrees...
аватар bodic1996
Alex714. It was the Minamark Hotel in Hurghada circa 2012-2013 and there were no Arabs there. Later we did not go in July.
аватар OnlySinai
What is it?
аватар balaisis
To: lazy_person - the weather in the Sinai Peninsula is significantly different from the weather in mainland Egypt. Therefore, in his review, he listed exactly 3 main resorts on the Egyptian coast of the Red Sea. In the Egyptian resorts of the Mediterranean Sea during the period from June to August there is no significant difference, where the temperature fluctuates on average from +37 to +41. But Russian tourists are rare there and the topic does not make sense to continue.
аватар idobruk
Ooooo hot. It's hot with all its might. Excursions to Luxor or Cairo do not recommend taking.
аватар PolikSVT
The question is strange) you can also ask: how do you like hot tea? Or: who loves the wind? Each person has their own heat exchange. Everyone handles heat differently. Look up weather archives online and apply temperatures to yourself. What do you want to hear???? Yes, it is very hot. But the people of Zanzibar may be chilly. And for us, the inhabitants of the Urals, when we now have +10 during the day, and 3 at night, maybe it’s warm))))
аватар Veter.Peremen-Nadezhda.Kurganskaya
It's hot, quite hot. If you have heart problems or pressure, it's better to go in September.
And the heat in Egypt is much easier to bear than in Turkey. The only thing is that in August there are a couple of weeks where the humidity rises.
аватар AllOverTheWorld
PolikSVT +1000000
today in our city +34 ... it's impossible to breathe ... it's unbearable without a conder in the car, asphalt is all around, etc., in general, the city ... and even in public transport at rush hour ... then "finally". .except in the subway save yourself;)
you leave the city to the reservoir .... it seems like 34 and not 34 ... and you don’t need to work, lie down to drink some water, swim in the water, stay under the shed;)
all people are different .... someone feels good, but someone is "hot with all his might"
аватар vovatour
Very hot at lunchtime. If you do not walk at lunchtime from 12-16, then you can have a great rest!
аватар travelsita
Yes, it's hot. But, bearable. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., the transition between buildings (after all, you have to go for lunch) is best done completely covered from the sun. If you do not want to be in the room during this period, then also cover yourself under an umbrella, for example, a pareo. Take a dip in the sea and the pool from time to time. Use sun protection SPF 40 (not lower). At this time, I do not recommend drinking alcoholic beverages.
аватар Olyaa_Kiev
I'll tell you about my impressions :) We were in Kemer in August - it was great. As always on the sea - from 12 to 16.30 in the room. Even the condo was turned on only a couple of times (I don’t like it very much) - the draft from the sea in the room (I covered the door with a slit) completely taxied. The room was not on the right side.
Last year in July we were in the vaunted Fethiye. A lot of money! Your most unfortunate vacation :( I wish I had gone to Egypt in November!!!@
Imagine: with my love of the beach, the sea, very long walks and a categorical dislike of the air conditioner, we could only go to the beach by 18:((((I am an owl. And get up at 6 in the morning to go to the beach until 10, I don’t Ahhh, I paid for sitting in the white walls of the room under the air conditioner:((((And sleeping with it at night:( It was a mind-bogglingly unbearable heat (with my normal attitude to sea heat).
It was the usual weather for Turkey at that time. And in Kemer we were just lucky then: it was abnormally cool for their region. And even 5 minutes dripped lies several times :)
аватар LindaLinda
Regarding swimming in T-shirts in the pool: they are allowed only in pure white, in colored ones it is impossible (although for some reason Arab women can wear anything).
аватар mindguru
Well, it's not very cold in Kyiv either.
It is possible that in some places in Egypt it will be cooler.
And in terms of the availability of pools for every taste, there is nothing to compare at all.
аватар laraskalska
Once we were in Sharm in August: it’s hot, +45, but dry, so it’s normal. But water +30 is just shikandos! two or three hours you can just swim, dive, watch the underwater world and not go ashore (I wore a cambric blouse and light shorts in the water, sunscreen 50 on the shore and in the shade). We even went to the canyons, the blue hole, Dahab.... This year we were from April 2 to 13. Well, what can I say.... you won't spend two hours in the water - it's cool for me). And in Egypt, I love the sea, so to each his own.
аватар andrij.tuturush
It's hot in summer.
Comfortable in November ..... + 25-27 and water of the same temperature ......
аватар mindguru
We have a friend who "tans" in Egypt only in a demi-season denim suit and a hat pulled over her ears. The heat is at 40 degrees, and she is cold ...
But the brightest case was in one of the hotels in Kemer. We are sitting, then, in the sauna, and after a while the girls from Yakutsk come in - and immediately to the top shelf, and their feet with their feet to the wall - to warm up. That's it. We, the inhabitants of the middle latitudes, go to the sauna to take a steam bath, and they just warm themselves from the cold. I don’t remember how cold it was then, but in any case it was more than 25 degrees. Heat, of course, who did not understand.
аватар Darinuhka
We were a year ago at the beginning of July very well, it’s hot but there is no humidity and they tolerated it normally
аватар vgaz1952
For me, it's very hot. I was in Egypt at the end of November and until December 7, it was gorgeous, the sea is 22-23 degrees, the air is 25-27, I even wore a blouse in the evening. I've been to Safaga. This year I'm planning for November. And in June I was in Kemer, the heat was unreal, there was nothing to breathe, there was no crowding on the beach, this year only Egypt and only in autumn.
аватар olesjo
we were comfortable in June, returned home - the heat is unbearable!
аватар mgr
I was in Egypt (Sharm El Sheikh) a couple of days ago - the temperature is 40-43 but it is quite well tolerated, it is very stuffy only from 14 to 16:00, but at this time the sun is the most scorching, the rest of the time everything is fine.
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