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Is it possible now in connection with the swine flu epidemic to go to Egypt?
I read that all schools are closed there due to quarantine. Who heard what? I wanted to go in mid-November, but now this desire is almost gone. I would be grateful for an answer.
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8 subscribers  • asked 2009-10-1215 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар III1111
I have many families with kids going on vacation and, it seems, they are not afraid of anything)) in general, Spain was considered the main country for swine flu infections during the season. I haven't heard anything bad about Egypt. just got back from there the other day
аватар miki08
You can catch an infection anywhere. So they won’t give you a 100% answer, it depends on your body, the same thing, if you have immunity, then everything is fine, but if not, how the card will fall.
аватар konyks
Recently this topic was discussed on this site

And in general, he who was born to drown will hang himself, he cannot. If fate, then at home you can choke on tea. What are you so afraid of, keep hygiene, do not abuse alcohol, do not smoke, lead a healthy lifestyle and forget about the flu.
аватар Pepper
In the entire history of the current "pandemic" of swine flu in the world, 2627 people have died from its consequences (more precisely, complications). At the same time, EVERY YEAR: 500 people die from a blow to the head with a coconut, 800 from a rare dengue fever, and finally, and in Russia 5,000 people a year die from tuberculosis.
WHO (World Health Organization) recognizes that (quote): "In general, the disease with this influenza proceeds according to the classical scenario, the frequency of complications and deaths (often due to pneumonia) does not exceed the average for seasonal influenza."
SUMMARY: Think for yourself what is a real danger, and what is a puffed-up duck-horror story that the media entertains us with.
аватар konyks
I agree with Pepper that they breed a horseman so that later they can sell the vaccine to us. All business and the media serve him for money.
аватар masyanya2140
This question has already been discussed many times! Firstly, you will not communicate with the locals there. With their standard of living and the level of sewage (hotels do not count), there are a lot of infections and epidemics without swine flu! Secondly, to be afraid of the wolf - do not go into the forest! If you have such an attitude when traveling, some kind of sore will definitely stick to you! Thoughts are material, remember this!
аватар Amir1
even if you are afraid of this pork grappa, then Egypt is the safest country in this sense. There are no pigs. For them, the pig is the most sinful animal and they bypass them for a kilometer. Previously, pieces of bacon were hung on the doors of buses with tourists so that it was impossible to enter without touching it. This was protected from the attacks of local robbers, because. they are all Muslims, and if a Muslim touches pork meat, then he will have to not leave the mosque for a long time. From the words of a local guide.
In general, everyone has long known that this is a publicity stunt to sell expensive vaccines.
аватар _ukrainka_
Why were the schools closed then? if there is flu among the locals, then obviously these locals are somewhere in hotels and work? after all, there is almost no flu in Ukraine, you just don’t want to go specifically to the epicenter of the epidemic.
аватар Pepper
So what?
And in St. Petersburg last year, our son's school was closed for a week because of the common flu. We had to urgently leave St. Petersburg because of this? )))
In Egypt, swine flu is indeed twice as common as, for example, in Russia. So what? In Moscow alone, more people died from USUAL influenza in a year than in all of Egypt from swine!
However, if you are so impressionable, then you should stay at home ... Although no one guarantees you that even without leaving your home you will not pick up some kind of pig. Life is generally a dangerous thing, it always ends fatally. ))))
аватар Janny25
The most adequate information about the sensational flu!
Read and do not succumb to artificially induced panic!
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