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Is it dangerous to go to Egypt now because of the swine flu?
Is it dangerous to go to Egypt now because of the swine flu?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
9 subscribers  • asked 2009-09-1816 years ago
Answers  •  30
аватар konyks
The main thing is not to be a pig on vacation, it's more dangerous than swine flu.
But seriously, the rest of the sea sun increase immunity. Do not fill your head with nonsense, if fate can choke in a teaspoon. More people die from alcoholism and drugs than from all epidemics, people die from any flu no less than from swine, mainly when the body is weakened and fear greatly lowers immunity, watch less and read all sorts of nonsense.
I heard that no one has died in Russia yet, a doctor from St. Petersburg said, although a couple of hundred have already been ill.
аватар orhideya21
There are temperature sensors at the airport, each tourist approaches this one and freezes for 1 minute. Unfortunately, this gave rise to a small "tail" of tourists at the entrance to the airport (the new group arrives from the plane, and the previous one is still trampling around at the entrance). The preliminary questionnaire is filled out. "Suspicious ones are caught before crossing the border of the rest" (joke). Go on vacation, everything will be fine!
аватар jabetta
This is a big misconception that the sun increases immunity. On the contrary, the sun does not have a beneficial effect on the adrenal glands, so I advise you to drink vitamin C in sunny resorts for prevention.
аватар Pachok
Swine flu is no more dangerous than usual. It is treated with conventional antiviral drugs. All this international hysteria is skillfully organized by pharmaceutical concerns.
аватар Chief_87
Completely agree with Pachok.
Pork or chicken grappa, this is a pharmaceutical campaign to make vaccinations, 5 countries are working on creating a vaccine, a lot of people are involved, and what they say, the best remedy for influenza is VACCINATION))))
This is complete nonsense)) Do not believe it does not exist, mass insanity)))
аватар konyks
The thing people say is hysteria, for example, I haven’t watched TV for six years, they only frighten people and manipulate consciousness. Remember Bulgakov: do not read Soviet newspapers before meals - they have a bad effect on digestion. Do not watch TV or read newspapers and you will live happily.
аватар Amir1
Swine flu is a pure business invented to make money by vaccination, just like chicken flu, only there the goal is different. Millions of dollars are invested in these technologies, but by manipulating the psychology of people in this way, billions are earned.
аватар Marussia
Pachok, please advise what antiviral drugs you need to take with you on vacation))
аватар Pachok
I always take remavir, aka rimantadine, aka rimantadine. The best one is the Baltic one, if the pharmacy doesn’t have it, I take the Darnitsky one. Amizon helps my husband well, but it is contraindicated for me (for thyroid diseases). In general, it is very individual, I write what suits us personally. Consult your doctor, or at least look at what your doctor prescribed for you with the flu and what worked well.
Any proven antibiotic, preferably a broad spectrum, is also better to have with you.
аватар Ksyu7813
If the immune system is not lame, it’s not scary. You need to observe personal hygiene. The ways of transmitting influenza are airborne and contact-household. Elementary hand washing, using individual towels, dishes, etc. will protect you from many sores, including flu. By the way, rimantadine does not help with swine flu .. I need zanamivir or Tamiflu. I don’t know if they are on sale, but they are treated in hospitals.
аватар Marussia
How do you know what doesn't help? In my opinion, a proven remedy, and zanamvir has many contraindications, you can get laryngeal edema. Tamiflu is also an expensive and little-known drug, which is why Western doctors advertise it heavily.
аватар Ksyu7813
I’m a doctor. For 3 months they just don’t get off of us, they drove us to conferences and meetings. Hospital staff wrote swine flu tests without fail. I work in Moscow. Yes, and rimantadine is very good for the prevention and treatment of other types of influenza viruses Ah, but not this one.
аватар Chief_87
So what do you mean by saying that it exists?? I will never believe
A new topic of doctors, otherwise the nation has become too healthy, it is necessary to spoil the gene pool)))
My personal, subjective opinion)
аватар Ksyu7813
Naturally, it exists. You don’t doubt the existence of the flu at all))) It’s just that the flu virus tends to change and once every 2-3 years gives out such pearls: either bird or pork ... But I repeat, it’s still the flu: increased immunity and observance of personal hygiene rules!!! Prevention is the best medicine. But there is no need to panic, there is nothing supernatural in swine flu. Why does no one panic because of hepatitis? It is very easy to get infected, but much more difficult to treat ...
аватар Marussia
Well, everyone is panicking precisely because of the so-called "pandemic" - this is when the spread of the virus cannot be controlled, and everyone gets sick, including those who take preventive measures ((
And yet I do not trust this "Tamiflu", it is advertised too much. And it is surprising how, with our beggarly allocations for medicine, this super-expensive drug is recommended to hospitals. Our "family" doctor, who treated my mother as a child, always says that with any kind of flu, only drinking plenty of water, vitamin C and antipyretics helps. And if there are complications (cough, tonsillitis, sinusitis), then you should definitely drink a good antibiotic. I trust him))
аватар Ksyu7813
So I don’t urge everyone to buy this “Tamiflu”. I say that they are being treated in hospitals))). By the way, the doctor told you the right things. and then you can not leave the house at all, being afraid of getting infected ;-)))
аватар Pachok
Ksyu7813, can I ask a question, how to see a doctor? And how exactly do our doctors determine which flu struck the patient? Nobody draws blood. All flu symptoms are more or less the same.
In December last year, my husband and I were very ill with the flu (and he had a vaccination made in September), everything was as it should be - a headache, muscle pain, weakness, fever and a couple of not the most sympathetic symptoms, developed on the third day pneumonia, all this beauty lasted a month, and, by the way, yes, rimantadine did not take it. Could it be swine flu? I think it could.
аватар Ksyu7813
In order to find out which flu struck you, they take blood and swabs from the nose and throat (they secrete antibodies to the virus and the virus itself). However, this is not practiced with the usual seasonal flu, because. all types of influenza are treated with antiviral drugs. The diagnosis is made on the basis of epidemiological anamnesis and the clinical picture. In case of complicated influenza, a bacterial infection joins it. One of the frequent complications of influenza is pneumonia, a cat. not treated with antiviral drugs (rimantadine), because. it's usually bacterial in nature. Your husband probably didn't have swine flu. The first cases of infection were recorded in Mexico in April this year.
аватар Ksyu7813
Yes, I almost forgot. Immunity to the influenza virus is resistant specific, to the specific subtype that you have been ill with. Therefore, the fact that you have been vaccinated against one flu does not mean at all that you will not get sick with another)))
аватар rina68
Ksyu7813 So I don’t understand why then get vaccinated against the flu, if it constantly mutates, you do it from one, and you get sick with another. It is much better to strengthen the immune system fruits, sea, vitamins.
This time I went on vacation and felt that I was getting sick, I drank the usual aspirin, ours for 3 kopecks, after the first sea swim everything went as it had never happened ...
аватар Ksyu7813
Vaccinations are made against the flu, which is expected for a specific autumn-winter period, but the forecasts may not come true. And whether to get vaccinated is a personal matter for everyone. I already wrote above))) A healthy lifestyle, a positive attitude, personal hygiene, and you will protect yourself from many sores :-)))
аватар Pachok
Thanks for the answer, Ksyu7813, but he did not make it clear. Everything you wrote is understandable. The question is different - how can you determine the strain if they DO NOT TAKE blood and a smear from us? They never took it from us and never heard from friends. Neither in the municipal clinic, nor in two different private ones where we are served.
Z.Y. They took sumamed for pneumonia, I mean rimantadine, I didn’t take the flu, but usually I get rid of the flu in three days.
аватар Pachok
"""Healthy lifestyle, positive attitude, personal hygiene - and you will protect yourself from many sores :-)))"""
Unfortunately, this does not help much. There are more positive-minded, healthy lifestyle, hygiene fanatics like us to look for :)))
But - every winter - the flu. Tired. What else to do to get rid of adversity - I'll never know.
аватар Zlata28
I support all those who have spoken about
artificially created hype about the so-called
swine flu
аватар Ksyu7813
Analyzes are taken not in the clinic, but in the hospital. And you can get to the hospital only if your flu is severe or fulminant, with complications. Then they will take all the tests that you can. , the diagnosis is made according to the clinical picture and is treated at home. It is treated GENERALLY - the flu, without understanding what type it is. Flu, it is the flu in Africa ;-)))
аватар Pachok
So from w! And whether he was a pig or not a pig, no one will know if the patient does not really start to glue the fins together :))
аватар Ksyu7813
Well, yes, something like that)))
аватар Janny25
The most adequate information about the sensational flu!
Read and do not succumb to artificially induced panic!
аватар Amir1
most swine flu sensationalized in the west of Ukraine. where I actually live. So here's what I'll tell you. I have a good friend who works as an infectious disease specialist in a clinic and almost all the doctors are well acquainted. So they say that during this epidemic, the diagnosis of "influenza" was already made to ... two patients. everything else is acute respiratory infections such as bronchitis, etc. The number of patients this year is 70% lower than last year. Draw your own conclusions gentlemen.
аватар Amir1
Oshibochka, not 70%, but 30% less. This is 70% of the number of cases last year.
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