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Is it possible to buy real estate in Hurghada (buy an apartment). how is marriage between an Egyptian and a Russian woman. After a divorce, how is the issue resolved?
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1 subscriber  • asked 2007-10-2317 years ago
Answers  •  7
аватар sokolova88
Apartments in Hurghada are cheap - very cheap against the backdrop of Moscow prices. Contact, for the sake of interest, the real estate agency.
аватар irafourta
Have you seriously decided to marry an Egyptian?
аватар maxat007
аватар lerana07
I don’t know in Hurghada, but in Sharm this year I asked about the prices of houses, and so, a good house on the seashore from $ 63,000. In Sharm I met two girls who are married to Yegi, and they feel great! No Sharia laws are not imposed on them, in any case, they sunbathed in normal bathing suits with their children. True, their husbands are quite wealthy people.
аватар AriGaLiNa
The official marriage takes place at the embassy. If not at the embassy, ​​then this is ORFI - marriage for a while. It does not even need to be terminated; after the expiration of the contract, it automatically terminates. And you are single again. So do not sign any documents in Arabic, but enter into a marriage officially, i.e. at the Embassy.
аватар HotLine
Hurghada and Sharm are not permanent places to live (including the Egyptians). The families of the Egyptians working at the resort live on the continent - Cairo, Alexandria, etc. There is nowhere for children to study at the resort. Shops are expensive (relative to the prices of the continent), you can work only in the resort theme. Real estate is also several times more expensive than continental. But cheaper than Kyiv and Moscow prices. You can buy without leaving Egypt, see, for example,
аватар Azizam
In fact, a normal marriage would have to be concluded in your homeland (at least the groom will spend money and come), our registry office will definitely require a certificate from him stating that he is not married. And he took this certificate only at the Egyptian embassy after a request to return to his homeland and verification. And then legalize this marriage through the embassy and the Foreign Ministry. In general, the more red tape and spending your fiancé is ready to endure, the more serious his intentions. And real estate can be purchased in Egypt and being a non-resident.
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