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Who used the services of Join Up?
I'm going to Egypt from Join Up, but just read a terrible review. Who used their services, write, pliz, the truth
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24 subscribers  • asked 2017-03-268 years ago
Answers  •  46
аватар agent_borabora
99% of the tours take place according to the booked services.
Now Join is not surprised yet.
There is a great chance that now you will have as planned.
аватар taran_natala
The operator, like everyone else, happens that everything is fine, but there are also punctures. Savings on transfers, we encountered 1 time that the bus from the hotels to the airport was critically overcrowded and inconvenient (distance 200 km). Everything else is mediocre. What exactly is the creepy review?
аватар Nusia
Join Up did not take us to Dubai to the airport, thanks to the hotel provided a free transfer, otherwise we would have to take a taxi at night.
аватар Olgaolga153
This operator and "surprises" from it have been discussed many times here. But many tourists are satisfied with low prices.
If you have already bought a tour package, then tune in to the positive. Not the fact that you will not be lucky!
аватар Tana999
I use Join Up all the time. The girls are trying. They try to fulfill even the most idiotic requests without a shadow of discontent. They are not to blame if UIA delayed the flight or the partner company fails. Once there was a problem in India. The partner company filled out the documents incorrectly and the flight to Kyiv was written a day later. Usually I don’t call with questions, but then I felt like I called and asked when to expect a transfer. It was then that they saw the light :-) The transfer was organized on time
аватар Tana999
Really the lowest prices. Tracked Fairy and Join Up on the same parameters. I want to Marsu Alam through the nearest airport. The price differs by 1-5 thousand. Now I think what is better? Closer to go, but 5 thousand more expensive. Or 4 hours in a comfortable bus additionally, but cheaper)))
аватар karo555
Fresh from Egypt. Flew from Join up. Everything just went perfectly. This is the third time we have used their services and they have never let us down. And punctures happen at any office, even the most golden one. We were lucky three times. For example, on our last trip there was a case when they went from Egypt to Israel from a hotel joint-up guide from Egypt (but in Egypt they are somehow called differently). So: it was raining heavily, on the way back the road to Sharm was washed away. Then they organized everything: resettlement during the rain, and food, and delivery. So I've seen how they work in force majeure. Well done.
аватар Ollis
In the summer we flew with John Up to Turkey, for the New Year 2017 to Thailand, no complaints.
аватар Yulia66
We flew with Join Up to Hurghada 2 times. There are no complaints. Everything was on time, the hotel was settled quickly, the departure was organized normally. Once, for some reason, there was no double room for us - we were settled in a two-room quadruple room (naturally, we did not pay extra).
I do remember the incident though. For the first time, almost at the same time, another group from Join Up came with us. And they were told that the hotel rooms were not booked for them. They called somewhere for a long time, and eventually they were also settled.
аватар musja7
This year, many Turkish hotels refused to enter into agreements with Join. In Egypt, the situation is better
аватар lenokua
were in December with them in Egypt, only good impressions from the tour operator
аватар Veronika7081
Joint in Turkey worked differently last year. There were problems with regional flights to Antalya. Personal experience last year is normal: a flight from Kyiv to Antalya without delays and delays. The flight from Antalya was postponed by 2 hours, but we learned about it from the guide at the hotel a day before. That is, there are no complaints either. But my acquaintances with a regional flight from Vinnitsa have a completely different story: their trip coincided with a failed military coup. There no problem. The carousel started back. They rested in Belek, the day of departure: they are transported to a hotel in Antalya and there they "pickle" for 2 days. Yes, the all-inclusive system worked, but people did not know until the last: when they would fly away. At the same time, other tour operators and airlines worked without delay. Yes, both Joint himself and Yanair Airlines to Kyiv did not change or delay flights at this time. Later it turns out that it was not a military coup, but the plane in Burgas simply broke down and everything went downhill.
аватар Veronika7081
And the first flight of Yanair (Join Up Tour's air partner) from Vinnitsa to Antalya is generally beyond "dream limits". People at the airport with children and things are waiting for departure, but it turns out that there is no flight plan yet. Everything is like in our country. They are waiting for the "big bosses" from Kyiv, and only after that, with a long delay, the flight.
аватар karo555
Hence the conclusion: one should not hope for the first flights from Vinnitsa, where there may not be a departure scheme. It was the same with Egypt from Vinnitsa - problematic first flights. But this is not a joint of Joint Up, but of the Yanair company.
аватар yanda
We flew four times with Join up to Egypt. Everything was great, no complaints
аватар Veronika7081
karo555, Sharm from Vinnitsa is not Join Up, but TPG + Bravo airline. Indeed, TPG promised "golden mountains" along Sharm from Vinnitsa, and after the New Year there are no flights at all, since the cost of the tour from Kyiv is cheaper. In the 2017 season Joint up + TPG jointly promises 7 flights from Vinnitsa to Antalya and 3 flights to Dalaman. So far, I think this is a myth. Last year, Join Up "shipped" 1 flight from Vinnitsa to Antalya for the weekend.
аватар Veronika7081
karo555, this is not only the "jamb" of Yanair. Join himself chose such an air partner. :)
аватар brigantina35
although Join is cheaper, but the quality of the services provided is a nightmare, then they forgot to pick up people at the airport, we, as an agency, do not work with him. Communicating with my colleagues, there were only complaints. It is better to pay extra than to be forgotten somewhere later. and then pay extra for the same transfer in order to get to the hotel.
аватар Veronika7081
musja7, but Join surprised me this year. Exclusively now sells Alva Donna chain in Turkey. :)
аватар karo555
serna7081 probably got confused about the sorties and their organizers. A group from Vinnitsa flew in parallel with us to the same hotel. We were supposed to arrive later than their hours by 10. We did not have enough tickets on this flight. And we ended up 12 hours earlier, even with the fact that we traveled through Kyiv .. In the fall and now we flew to Egypt from Kyiv. There are no complaints about Join up. It's probably for someone who's lucky. For example, I heard more negative reviews about Anex
аватар Veronika7081
The author, for the sake of justice, I want to say that almost all tour operators and airlines have punctures. Personal example: tour operator Coral Travel Ukraine, Ukrainian Airlines, September 2015, flight to Antalya was delayed for 4 hours. At the same time, the departure was according to plan for the day. Only at the airport, "carousels" have already begun: first they change the departure window, then the terminal and transport them by bus. We already laughed that they were being taken home.
аватар Ftdor1
To put it mildly, Join is a quiet scammer. Late departure, early departure. This is minus one day.
it was and this was brought to another hotel, they said there were no places in yours. (although logically, how can this be if he paid for three days "fought" for his rights, as a result, after 3 days they moved, but 3 days in a cheap hotel. Naturally, no one compensated for the money. They took a room with a sea view, lived on settlements. Transfers and transport itself is a separate story, one word is tin. etc. In short, this is how they "save" on us, on you. hence the lower prices for tours. as a result, a spoiled vacation.
аватар Yu.Yu
As far as I know, they had overbooking in Turkey last year, which is why Turkish hotels refuse its services.
аватар musja7
serna7081 is not surprising. Alva Donna is now also undergoing changes within the structure. Perhaps the current management has its own "kickbacks" from Join. He also keeps Alkoklar in Kemer for the second year on an exclusive basis, since there are his own re-piping with Amara. Here, many tourists who have bought tours to Aklkokler are worried, as the prices have crept up in connection with this, and judging by the state, "the horse was lying a little" there. Amara, in my opinion, was not even renovated. The whole essence of the changes is in the concept of ultra-all instead of all and animation until 3 am, and not 00.Ie. Alcoclar itself is now called Sauce Hotel 5*. But the former Amara became Alcoclar Exclusive. And the tours are already sold for April in full. I won’t be surprised if tourists who bought Alcoclar Exclusive actually settle in the South. Many of last year's Join exclusives didn't sign contracts with him at all this year. Not only for exclusive, but they didn’t give quotas for places at all. And this is even taking into account the fact that last year Joint changed the host in Turkey. There were a lot of bugs
аватар musja7
brigantina35 we also have few TAs who want to work with them. Although Join gives the highest commissions. But last year's delays and transfers of departures with a time shift of almost a day, transfers of cities of arrival airports (my friends from Belarus were very "happy" instead of an arrival airport in Kyiv to get Vinnitsa in the return line, and with a departure shifted by 12 hours.
аватар Veronika7081
musja7, thanks for the fresh information. Yes, it's fun, you can't say anything. Last year, there was a well-known case for me when the Join family settled in the Barut Sorgun Sensatori hotel instead of in Barut Hemera, but here at least the category is higher and in the same network. The people didn't mind. They said that Barut Hemera stood on his foot and they spent a day in Barut Sorgun. Join brought Sorgun to Barut with his transport and took him back a day later.
аватар musja7
serna7081By the way, last yearJoin and TPG worked interchangeably. especially when it comes to flights. Tourists often, after flight delays, instead of Yaner, were slandered as a result of Bravo from TPG, explaining that either "the airlines did not pay for fuel, then the flight was thrown"
аватар musja7
serna7081 last year all Baruts, incl. and in Kemer were on the exclusive of Join. This year he only sells the Chimera.
аватар musja7
Well, here's "fresh": Alkokler Exclusive opens April 1st. Until that time, they promise to finish the repair work of the old Amara. Well, we'll see in 3 days :)
аватар Veronika7081
musja7, and who is considered a more or less stable tour operator in Ukraine? Coral, TUI and Pegasus? Thanks for the answer.
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